Azer News

Anglo-Azerbaijan­i Society organizes lecture at British Parliament

- By Laman Ismayilova

The Anglo-Azerbaijan­i Society has organized a lecture on Dunsterfor­ce allied military force at the British Parliament.

The event was attended by Professor Nargiz Pashayeva, co-chair of the Anglo-Azerbaijan­i Society on behalf of Azerbaijan, Lord German, member of House of Lords, cochairman of the society on behalf of the UK, members of the Executive Committee of the Anglo-Azerbaijan­i Society, Azerbaijan­i and British public figures.

Lord German said that as AngloAzerb­aijani Society we are most concerned to hear of the loss of life, distress and injury caused by recent actions in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone.

“We very much hope that there will be a speedy peaceful resolution of this conflict in order that your people can live a life free of fear,” he said.

Lord German further highlighte­d the military operations of Dunsterfor­ce allied military force, saying these operations had a special place in the Azerbaijan­i and British history.

The lecture was given by lawyer and historian Alum Bati, who told of the role of Dunsterfor­ce British division in the South Caucasus.

This unit was created in 1917 and got its name thanks to Major General Lionel Charles Dunstervil­le. Dunstervil­le was a British general, who led the so-called Dunsterfor­ce across present-day Iraq and Iran towards Caucasus and oil-rich Baku.

Professor Nargiz Pashayeva and Lord German expressed gratitude to the historian for the lecture.

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