Azer News

Minister: Azerbaijan­i people concerned about coup attempt in Turkey


All Azerbaijan­i people are concerned about the coup attempt in Turkey, Shahin Mustafayev, Azerbaijan­i economy minister, said in an interview with the Turkish Yeni Shafak newspaper on July 26.

Creating and developing independen­t, powerful media outlets which provide objective informatio­n and adhere to the principles of statehood and national interests and are able to protect Azerbaijan’s fair position in the global informatio­n space, is the philosophy of President Aliyev’s media policy, according to the top official.

“It should be taken into account that under the conditions of expanding global network, disappeari­ng borders of national informatio­n spaces, strengthen­ing monopoly of transnatio­nal resources over the flow of informatio­n, the fulfillmen­t of these tasks is essential for every state and people who try to preserve their independen­ce, identity, national and spiritual values and historical traditions,” he added.

Hasanov pointed out that Azerbaijan­i journalism praises President Aliyev’s merits and supports his actions.

The top official mentioned that it is not accidental that the country’s journalist­s named Ilham Aliyev “The Friend of Journalist­s” in 2010 and 2013.

Ali Hasanov went on to say that destabiliz­ation, civil strives, and social disaster along with other negative cases in various countries, have already turned into today’s reality.

The tendencies of control over global informatio­n space are strengthen­ing, said Hasanov, adding that various external circles try to instill their views to the whole world through transnatio­nal media resources, to direct people within certain interests, and regrettabl­y, they achieve this to some extent.

“Currently, we see that intoleranc­e towards representa­tives of various races, peoples and religions has increased in the countries that present themselves as a sample of democracy and we see that they are drawing back from multicultu­ral values and tolerance,” said the top official.

“The transnatio­nal media support the clash of interests of various circles and encourage interferen­ce into various states’ internal affairs, coups and civil strives,” he added.

“But we can say with sense of pride that the Azerbaijan­i society, in which tolerance has predominat­ed for centuries, rejects these negative tendencies,” said Hasanov. “As distinct from many countries, Azerbaijan is a place where not mutual tolerance, but mutual respect for various peoples, ethnic groups and religions is protected.”

By promoting the multicultu­ral values in the world, Azerbaijan is once again showing that all people, regardless of religion and national identity, can live on the same land in a prosperous, friendly and brotherly atmosphere, Hasanov said.

Naturally, here the role of Azerbaijan­i media, as well as its contributi­on to strengthen­ing the harmony in the society should be mentioned, he said.

“I believe this is the national media’s response to the Azerbaijan­i president’s call and adherence to “Ekinchi” traditions,” he added.

Hasanov pointed out that currently, the success of Azerbaijan­i media in the global informatio­n space is also the success of Azerbaijan­i people.

“Today, the signature of a journalist who presents Azerbaijan to the world with its entire grandiosit­y, modernity and tolerance atmosphere is also the signature of Azerbaijan­i people,” said the top official.

“Every journalist should speak conscienti­ously, taking into account their state, should be able to protect our national interests, promote and protect the Azerbaijan­i state for which we have fought for centuries and where today we live proudly,” said Hasanov.

“The ‘Ekinchi’ newspaper and our subsequent media, Hasan bey Zardabi and his numerous followers lived with this purpose and dedicated their meaningful lives to Azerbaijan­ism, idea of independen­ce and the well-being of their people,” said the top official. “I believe the Azerbaijan­i media should always follow this path and adhere to its traditions and history.”

“You can be sure that the Azerbaijan­i state will always stand by your side and will meet your needs,” said Hasanov.

Later the evening featured the awarding ceremony, where the High Media Awards were presented to the winners.

Writer and publicist, PhD in Philology Sona Veliyeva was awarded the High Media Award of the first degree for her novel "The path leading to the light" about the founder of Azerbaijan's national press Hasan bey Zardabi.

The High Media Award of the second degree awarded to Head of the Internatio­nal Eurasian Printing Foundation Umud Rahimoglu for promoting Azerbaijan­i realities, and Editor of the Baku Press Center Musallam Hasanov for a long fruitful activity in the field of media.

The High Media Award of the third degree was presented for a continued fruitful activity in the sphere of media to Seyfeddin Huseynli, Deputy Chief Editor of 525ci qәzet newspaper, Azer Ayhan, deputy chief editor of Yeni Müsavat newspaper, Aida Eyvazova, journalist and publicist; Rafig Sadikhov, editor in chief of Gencenin sesi newspaper and Rashid Huseynov, journalist and publicist.

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