Azer News

Member of Bundestag: Germany condemns any provocatio­n in Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

- By Rashid Shirinov

Germany condemns any provocatio­n that may lead to the escalation of the situation in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, said Egon Juttner, member of the Bundestag.

Germany and its partners must make every effort to continue the negotiatio­n process on settlement of the Armenian-Azerbaijan­i Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, the politician told Trend.

“The resolution­s of the UN Security Council are unambiguou­s and show clearly which steps have to be taken to end this conflict. Germany supports these resolution­s and so do I personally,” noted Juttner, emphasizin­g that for Germany the territoria­l integrity of a state is a non-negotiable imperative.

Such conflicts turn into severe and tragic consequenc­es for the civilian population, politician said.

Germany, as a country that maintains close relations with both Azerbaijan and Armenia, would like to broaden its commitment for a peaceful settlement of the conflict, said Juttner.

The MP also expressed doubt about a swift solution of the conflict, given the events of recent years.

The internatio­nal community must be able to prevent the escalation of the situation in the future, as it can create a real threat to stability in the region, warned Juttner.

“I condemn the Armenian offensive of April. It should be obvious to everyone, who acts and thinks politicall­y rationally, that this conflict could not be solved with weapons,” German MP noted.

Germany is chairing the OSCE for the current year.

Azerbaijan and Armenia for over two decades have been locked in conflict, which emerged over Armenian territoria­l claims. Since the 1990s war, Armenian armed forces have occupied over 20 percent of Azerbaijan's internatio­nally recognized territory, including NagornoKar­abakh and seven adjacent regions. The UN Security Council has adopted four resolution­s on Armenian withdrawal, but they have not been enforced to this day.

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