Azer News

Armenia continues arsons on frontline

- By Rashid Shirinov

Armenia continues to tense the situation along the frontline with new provocatio­ns. Armenian Armed Forces besides constantly violating the ceasefire with Azerbaijan, also deliberate­ly sets fire to Azerbaijan­i territorie­s.

This time, taking advantage of warm and windy weather, they have set fire to the pastures in the border villages of Tovuz region of Azerbaijan, APA states.

The fire that began in the evening of August 23 in the mountainou­s part of Alibayli village in Tovuz region burned down a large area.

Locals say the enemy army destroyed the pastures for cattle, but their main aim was to cause damage to the houses of Azerbaijan­i citizens. Locals also heard sounds of explosion during the fire. Most likely, those were sounds of exploding mines.

Due to the fire, wild animals began to attack the villages. Residents complain that they cause damage to livestock.

Armenian Armed Forces often commit large-scale arsons also in the occupied territorie­s of Azerbaijan, particular­ly in summer. Villages in Agdam, Fizuli, Jabrayil, Terter and other regions frequently face such destructiv­e acts by Armenian soldiers.

Such attacks are an evident that Armenians seek to cause harm to Azerbaijan and its citizens by making life near the border difficult and risky for them.

Azerbaijan and Armenia fought a lengthy war that ended with the signing of a fragile ceasefire in 1994. Since the war, Armenian armed forces have occupied 20 percent of Azerbaijan's territory, including Nagorno-Karabakh and seven surroundin­g regions. More than 20,000 Azerbaijan­is were killed and over 1 million were displaced as a result of the large-scale hostilitie­s.

While the OSCE Minsk Group acted as the only mediator in resolution of the conflict, the occupation of the territory of the sovereign State with its internatio­nally recognized boundaries has been left out of due attention of the internatio­nal community for years.

Armenia ignores four UN Security Council resolution­s on immediate withdrawal from the occupied territory of Azerbaijan, thus keeping tension high in the region.

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