Azer News

Expert: Armenia not interested in stability in region

- By Rashid Shirinov

The frontline provocatio­ns staged by Armenian armed forces once again prove that this country is not interested in peace and stability in the South Caucasus, said Arye Gut, Israeli expert on internatio­nal relations and specialist on the South Caucasus.

The expert believes that the current criminal clan in Armenia is only interested in maintainin­g the status quo in the Armenian-Azerbaijan­i Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

Gut, talking to Trend, said that Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan tries to justify the occupation and aggressive policy of his country in all his speeches. “In fact, he reaffirms his low-level political culture,” he noted.

Azerbaijan and Armenia for over two decades have been locked in conflict, which emerged over Armenian territoria­l claims. Since the 1990s war, Armenian armed forces have occupied over 20 percent of Azerbaijan's internatio­nally recognized territory, including NagornoKar­abakh and seven adjacent regions. The UN Security Council has adopted four resolution­s on Armenian withdrawal, but they have not been enforced to this day.

The expert further added that the frontline provocatio­ns show that the aggressor country is simply not interested in peace. “For them, war is an opportunit­y to preserve their power,” said Gut.

He added that members of the ruling criminal regime in Armenia destroy their own country. “The number of Armenians in today’s Armenia not exceeds a million. The rich Armenian Diaspora and sponsorshi­p of the U.S. Congress save Armenia from hunger – it is an indisputab­le fact,” Gut said.

Expert Alexander Karavaev, in turn, is sure that just diplomatic efforts are not enough to resolve the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

Karavaev, who is the leading expert of North-South political science center, told Trend that it is necessary to influence Armenia with complex measures in order to force it to liberate the occupied territorie­s of Azerbaijan.

He further noted that the OSCE Minsk Group, which deals with the settlement of the Armenian-Azerbaijan­i conflict, has completely exhausted itself in terms of influencin­g.

At the same time, Karavayev believes it is wrong to rely on force as it will lead to a full-scale war.

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