Azer News

Expert says Armenia’s aggression causes instabilit­y in S.Caucasus


The illegal occupation of sovereign territorie­s of Azerbaijan by Armenia and constant violation of internatio­nal law by Yerevan cause instabilit­y in the South Caucasus region.

American political analyst Peter Tase said this in his interview with Report, while commenting on recent attacks of Armenian Armed Forces on the Azerbaijan­i positions.

The expert mentioned that the Armenian Armed Forces breached the truce hundreds of times in the past few days. Last week, Armenian Armed Forces subjected to intensive fire from mortars of various calibers the Azerbaijan­i positions and human settlement­s in the territory of Azerbaijan’s Agdam and Tartar regions.

“Do not forget that Armenian Armed Forces are, in fact, the only ones in Eurasia that continue to commit atrocities not only against civilians, but also against cultural monuments, destroying more than 1,600 monuments,” he said.

Tase went on to say that the Armenian government continues to blackmail the internatio­nal community and provide its army with missiles of 60 and 82 mm caliber for mortars, using which it shells Azerbaijan­i villages.The expert is sure that the OSCE Minsk Group should put pressure on Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan to force him to adhere to the peace process and the outcome of negotiatio­ns in St. Petersburg and Vienna.

“The current ceasefire is not a lasting solution to the NagornoKar­abakh conflict and will never bring peace and stability to the region,” Tase noted. “This requires that the Armenian armed forces leave all the occupied Azerbaijan­i territorie­s,” he said, adding that Armenia must stop its ambitions of territoria­l expansion and end the blockade of Nakhchivan.

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