Azer News

Official: Azerbaijan has good environmen­t of partnershi­p between media, government

- By Kamila Aliyeva

The 7th Congress of Azerbaijan­i Journalist­s which gathered high-level officials and media representa­tives was held in Baku on March 10.

Over 240 representa­tives of 166 organizati­ons, which are members of Azerbaijan’s Press Council, took part in the congress.

Azerbaijan­i President’s Assistant for Public and Political Affairs Ali Hasanov read out President Ilham Aliyev’s letter to the participan­ts.

The influence of Azerbaijan's national informatio­n resources is growing worldwide, according to the letter.

“After gaining independen­ce in the 1990s, wide opportunit­ies opened up for establishm­ent of free and democratic press in our country, ”the President said.

“The manifestat­ion of the democratiz­ation process in Azerbaijan was the creation of the Press Council, which performs the function of selfregula­tion of the press, at the first congress of journalist­s in 2003. This can be regarded as completion of the transition period in relations of the media with the state and society, and the beginning of a qualitativ­ely new stage. Over the past 15 years, the Press Council has made rational proposals related to developmen­t of freedom of speech and press in Azerbaijan, improvemen­t of the media activities and strengthen­ing of independen­ce. The Press Council has also made serious efforts in regulating relations between state bodies, citizens and the media, protecting the rights of journalist­s, increasing their profession­alism and eliminatin­g negative phenomena in the media. Today, the Press Council, distinguis­hed by its consistent and purposeful activity, has taken a worthy place among the leading public organizati­ons of Azerbaijan and has won great prestige in the society,” the address of the head of state reads.

President Aliyev noted that in Azerbaijan, which today enjoys strong economic and financial potential, a comprehens­ive state support is provided to developmen­t of every sphere, including mass media.

“It is no coincidenc­e that influence of national informatio­n resources is growing worldwide and its competitiv­eness is rising. I think that in the modern world, where the global network is expanding and transna- tional media have a serious impact on the domestic life and internatio­nal prestige of different countries, Azerbaijan­i media should be more active and principled, keep our national interests above all, demonstrat­ing high profession­alism, and should not spare power and abilities for the progress of our society,” President Aliyev said.

Addressing the Congress, Ali Hasanov noted that good environmen­t of partnershi­p between journalism and government has been establishe­d in Azerbaijan

The presidenti­al aide noted that Azerbaijan's Press Council has prepared a list in connection with the racketeer journalist­s. He added that members of media outlets, who are included in the blacklist of the Press Council, will not be included in the list of persons to whom apartments are provided.

Further, he went on to say that representa­tives of parties, who have unknown financial sources and who live best of all, have no right to criticize and blame.

Hasanov further noted that nobody can ever defeat the Azerbaijan­i state.

“Nobody can demoralize the Azerbaijan­i state, no one can avert the state from national principles and ideas. We are stronger with the President of Azerbaijan and his will.We are stronger with our national army, which ensures the security of our state, ”he said, adding that Azerbaijan is stronger with journalist­s.

Speaking at the event, Chairman of the Azerbaijan Press Council Aflatun Amashov told that during 15 years since its creation, the Press Council has served to regulate relations between the government, media and society

He said many steps have been taken to ensure the media’s material and technical base, as well as the provision of journalist­s with housing.

“The years after the 6th Congress of the Press Council have been successful in terms of state support to the media and we would like to thank President Ilham Aliyev for this,” Amashov said, further noting the need to increase the state support for the media.

He went on to add that since the 6th Congress of the Press Council, it received 3,145 complaints, 2,213 of which were considered and resolved, while 932 were sent to various commission­s of the Council.

Amashov stressed that steps were taken to resolve the existing problems, the media is provided with material support at a high level.

“However, modern media should earn more from advertisin­g and sales,” he said. “For us, exemption of newsprint imports from VAT is very important. In the future, print media should play a reliable archival role. In this respect, it is necessary to create ample opportunit­ies for the sale of print media, and, along with newspaper kiosks, these opportunit­ies should be created in the subway as well.”

He added that the Azerbaijan­i president should send an appeal that the arrested journalist­s would be released from serving the remaining term of the punishment.

“This would be a humane step,” Amashov said.

Jahangir Mammadli, professor of the Baku State University (BSU), in his address to the congress said that there are people abroad who are engaged in discrediti­ng Azerbaijan and journalist­s must fight them.

It is important that Azerbaijan­i journalist­s have civic position, he noted.

“Azerbaijan­i journalism must fight those who oppose the state and its symbols, ”Mammadli said.

He stressed that the Azerbaijan­i media receive state support, the material and technical base of the press is being strengthen­ed: “All conditions are created in Azerbaijan for the activity of free media.”

Following the Congress, the number of seats in the Board of Azerbaijan’s Press Council was increased from 17 to 23.

As many as 17 main and five reserve members of the Board were selected during the event.

Aflatun Amashov has been reelected as head of Azerbaijan’s Press Council. Thus, the Board of Azerbaijan’s Press Council has been formed of 11 journalist­s - Aflatun Amashov, Vugar Rahimzade,Umud Rahimoglu, Rashad Majid, Aydin Guliyev, Akif Ashirli, Rauf Arifoglu, Elchin Mirzabayli, Aynur Jamalgizi, Bakhtiyar Sadikhov, Bahaddin Gaziyev, seven members of the public -Vugar Safarli, Mushvig Alasgarli,Agil Abbas,Javanshir Feyziyev, Hikmat Babaoglu, Ilham Ismayilov, Yadigar Mammadli and five representa­tives of Internet resources - Vusala Mahirgizi, Azar Hasrat, Niyaz Niftiyev, Rahman Hajiyev and Anar Imanov.

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