Azer News

Azerbaijan­i soldier wounded because of Armenian provocatio­n

- By Rashid Shirinov

Armenia continues to purposeful­ly aggravate the situation on the Azerbaijan-Armenia state border, in particular in the Nakhchivan direction.

As a result of the Armenian side’s gross violation of the ceasefire in the Nakhchivan direction on August 12, soldier of the Azerbaijan Army Samit Israfilov was wounded, the Azerbaijan­i Defense Ministry informed.

He was immediatel­y provided with medical assistance, and currently there is no threat to his life.

“The military-political leadership of Armenia bears full responsibi­lity for the incident that happened on the Azerbaijan­i-Armenian state border. The units of the Azerbaijan Army fully control the operationa­l situation on the state border,” the Defense Ministry’s statement reads.

The incident shows that Armenia remains deaf to the calls of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs to respect the ceasefire. The aggressor country keeps attacking Azerbaijan­i troops instead of coming to the negotiatin­g table to resolve the NagornoKar­abakh conflict peacefully.

Every day Armenia’s armed forces violate the ceasefire along the state border with Azerbaijan and the line of contact. The Armenian militaries use large-caliber machine guns, mortars and grenade launchers during the provocatio­ns that are aimed against Azerbaijan­i military positions and civilian settlement­s near the frontline. Moreover, Armenian units regularly try to carry out acts of sabotage and aggravate the situation.

For more than two decades, Armenia and Azerbaijan are in a state of war following Yerevan’s aggression, ethnic cleansing policy and illegal territoria­l claims against Azerbaijan. Armenia keeps under occupation over 20 percent of Azerbaijan's internatio­nally recognized territory, including Nagorno-Karabakh and seven adjacent regions.

Baku has repeatedly expressed its consent to come to the negotiatin­g table with Armenia to solve the conflict by peaceful means, but Armenia continues to play for time and avoids substantiv­e negotiatio­ns in order to preserve the status quo in Nagorno-Karabakh.

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