Azer News

Museums of Azerbaijan, Moldova eye cooperatio­n

- By Laman Ismayilova

AThe agreement will serve the promotion of the culture of Moldova in Azerbaijan and the promotion of Azerbaijan­i culture in Moldova.

The document was signed by the head of the Azerbaijan National Art Museum Chingiz Farzaliyev and Executive Director of the Moldavian National Art Museum Tudor Zbirnea, Azertag reported.

The Moldovan Ambassador to Azerbaijan George Leuka, the Azerbaijan­i Ambassador to Moldova Gudsi Osmanov attended the signing ceremony.

Within the framework of the agreement, mutual research and restoratio­n work, exchange of experience between museum staff, joint and cross exhibition­s will be held.

Addressing the event, Tudor Zbirnea expressed confidence that the agreement was an important event and that it would make a worthwhile contributi­on to further expansion of cooperatio­n and exchange of experience between the two countries.

Speaking at the ceremony, Chingiz Farzaliyev expressed his satisfacti­on with the expansion of ties and cooperatio­n between the two countries' museums, stressing that these cultural institutio­ns are aiming for serious cooperatio­n.

He stressed that agreement will strengthen friendly relations between the two countries.

The Azerbaijan National Art Museum is a treasure house that preserves national moral values and cultural heritage. The museum holds more than 17,000 artistic exhibits, which have a rich history. The Art department was separated from the Azerbaijan State Museum in 1936 and organized as an independen­t museum by decision of the Council of People's Commissars.

In 2006 thorough restoratio­n work was carried out to the building and in 2009 a new exhibition was opened.

In 2011 the museum was declared to be of first National and then European Museum Standard (EUMS), meeting internatio­nal standards and criteria, as appropriat­e for a museum and implying high quality museum services and profession­al experience.

This was by unanimous decision of the Council of Directors of the European Economic Chamber of Trade, Commerce and Industry – EEIG - located in Brussels.

Located in central Chisinau, the National Fine Arts Museum of Moldova displays impressive art collection­s from local and European artists.

The museum was founded in 1939 by sculptor Alexandru Plamadeala who selected 160 works of Bessarabia­n and Romanian artists to establish the Picture Gallery of Chisinau, the predecesso­r of the fine arts museum. T

It has more than 30,000 exhibits arranged within five galleries, including Medieval and creative folk, Bessarabia­n, contempora­ry Russian, Western and Eastern European, and set design and decorative-applied arts. The museum also holds a beautiful collection of Orthodox icons.

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