Azer News

Tourist police may appear in country

- By Narmina Mammadova

Tourism in Azerbaijan is one of the fastest developing industries. In recent times tourism has become a very important element in the formation of the image of our country abroad and the state pays special attention to this.

Thus, the Azerbaijan Tourism Associatio­n (AzTA) proposes the creation of a tourist police, AzTA Chairman, Nahid Bagirov announced such an initiative.

He noted that tourist police operate in neighborin­g Turkey, including other countries. Bagirov believes this will help solve problems related to tourists.

"In social networks they write that some tourist behaves inappropri­ately, or some tourist has encountere­d a problem. In my opinion, the tourist police can monitor all this. I think that if a certain mechanism is used by the state, it will be even better," added the chairman.

Earlier, the chairman of the State Agency for Tourism Fuad Nagiyev noted that the level of services provided to tourists is one of the important aspects of tourism developmen­t.

Everyone who works in the field of tourism should be interested in improving the level of services provided, and the State Agency is taking steps in this direction, he said.

In January-September of this year, 2,208,600 foreigners and stateless persons from 193 countries of the world arrived in Azerbaijan, which is 6.4 percent more compared to the same period last year.

None of us are immune from unforeseen situations while traveling in foreign country or city.

We can lose money, documents, some things or face frank rudeness or infringeme­nt of your rights by the hotel staff.

If something similar has happened to you, the first thing you need to do is contact the tourist police. Who are they?

There are special police units that provide assistance to tourists in difficulty in almost any tourist town or resort. As a rule, tourist police officers speak several languages, they are well-versed in the tourism business and can provide assistance and informatio­nal support on any issue. Usually, these policemen have a tag on their sleeve or a patch with the inscriptio­n “Tourist Police”.

The main task of this police is to resolve the conflict as quickly as possible and with minimal losses.

For example, in Turkey, as well as in any other country, there are many police department­s aimed at combating certain types of offenses. However, no matter what trouble you get in, the tourist police will take care of your problems. This unit has existed in Turkey for a long time, although it received the approved official status of a separate department relatively recently. It was in 2017 that the state allocated funds for an updated form, transport and technical equipment.

The tourist police have a number of difference­s from their colleagues. For example, employees must speak at least English, and recently a mandatory condition has been introduced for learning Russian.

If you had an accident, the local traffic police will only deal with the expertise and, possibly, the investigat­ive experiment. In general, the case will be conducted by the same tourism department. If the situation is serious, then the police will contact the representa­tive of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of your country, who is represente­d in Turkey by the diplomatic corps. Serious offenses, such as major thefts, murders and drug traffickin­g, are also reported to the Foreign Ministry. It is important to know that a person who committed a crime in Turkey will serve his sentence there. Extraditio­n is not provided.

On the eve of the tourist season, the tourist police undergo a mandatory refresher course, pass a series of examinatio­ns and are allowed to work only when they receive the highest score.

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