
Up, Close & Personal: Veni Vidi Vici

Through this fun, informal and light-hearted questionna­ire, we pick Dani's brain to find out what makes his heart tick and mind swing.


What gets you up in the morning?


What keeps you in the game?

The players.

What music have you been listening to lately?

Fleetwood Mac.

What can we find on your phone?

Boarding Passes.

What are the gadget you cannot live without?

Wearable Techs.

What is your greatest extravagan­ce?

Vintage Single Malt.

What do you always forget?

To drink water.

What’s your motto?

Be Brilliant Be Humble.

What keeps you going?


What keeps you up at night?

Making the next day count. And sometimes, Game of Thrones.

What would be your worst nightmare?

Not waking up from one.

What inspires great thinking?


What is the single characteri­stic that makes an adman an adman?

A touch of madness.

What quality do you most look up to in a woman? A sharp sense of humor.

What quality do you most look up to in a friend?

A sharp sense of humor.

Who would you like to sit next to on a seven-hour flight?

HRH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum.

If you could live for one day the life of another person, who would it be?

Neil Armstrong.

If you could have dinner with someone (living or dead) who would it be; and what question would you ask him/her?

It would be with Nostradamu­s. And I’d ask him “What’s Next?”

If you were to be reincarnat­ed, what would you like to come back as? Pegasus.

If you could add an 8th wonder to the world, what would it be?

Jeita Grotto.

What would you do if you won the lottery?

I’d spend it all.

If you were to change profession, what would you choose to do?

Practice Law.

If you could choose any product to create an ad for, what would it be?


What do you consider to be the greatest headline of all time?

Veni Vidi Vici.

What’s the one word you catch yourself saying too often?


What business tip would you give the newbies?

Do what you love and you’ll never work a day.

What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Being surrounded by it.

What or who do you have hope in?


What would you like doing five years from now?

What I’ve been doing for the last five.

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