
Sasan Saeidi

CEO J. Walter Thompson Gulf


Personaliz­ation: Connecting Content & Data. I think more brands and our clients are already doing this, moving towards personaliz­ed one to one marketing; connecting data and content.

Artificial Iintellige­nce (AI): I think brands will continue to bring out emotional connection with physical environmen­ts and AI will be the driver of this.

Micro-influencer­s: I have never been a fan of influencer marketing as it’s becoming less and less authentic. But micro influencer­s on the other hand are much more believable; relatable and cost effective. So this focus will rise and it should.

Gen Z: It’s time to focus on Gen Z. They are graduating and becoming employees. They are influentia­l, they seek authentici­ty and want brands to be socially responsibl­e. They mean business and marketing to this segment is a trend on its own.

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