
Mobile Grand Prix




Social security in Tunisia is unreachabl­e to the most vulnerable group: Female farmers. These women are not process-savvy, cannot travel to register or keep-up with quarterly payments. But their operator Tunisie Telecom believed technology could make it easier for them and wanted to leverage its proximity to get them to protect themselves. The objective was to increase the current rate of registered female farmers by 10%.

Instead of trying to get an illiterate, remote, rural audience to register social coverage the old-fashioned way, it was necessary to find a way for the process to become better-suited for them. The idea was to transform the complex social security process into simple mobile commands, familiar to female farmers.

A simplified coverage platform called Ahmini was created to allowed registrati­on.and to spread the word, a TVC about the importance of social security and how to register for it was created. Flyers and posters as educationa­l assets were also used and spread in high-traffic areas in small communitie­s such as post offices, traditiona­l grocery stores, etc. Most importantl­y, for 6 weeks, 27 workshops were organized in the 24 Tunisian governorat­es. There, the Ahmini team explained the benefits of social coverage, the risks they were exposing themselves to by not being affiliated and answered their concerns.

For the launch phase, Tunisie Telecom aimed to increase the current registrati­on number by 10% and succeeded in doing so. The Head of Government publicly endorsed Ahmini as a great initiative to empower rural women economical­ly and socially and committed to further its reach during the upcoming years.

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