Gulf Today

Army controls Zimbabwe’s affairs

Mugabe under house arrest, military denies coup


Zimbabwe’s military was in control of the country on Wednesday as President Robert Mugabe said he was under house arrest, although generals denied staging a coup.

Mugabe’s decades-long grip on power appeared to be fading as military vehicles blocked roads outside the parliament in Harare and senior soldiers delivered a late-night television address to the nation.

“The president... and his family are safe and sound and their security is guaranteed,” Major General Sibusiso Moyo said, slowly reading out a statement.

“We are only targeting criminals around him who are committing crimes... As soon as we have accomplish­ed our mission we expect that the situation will return to normalcy.” Moyo added: “This is not a military takeover of government.”

But the African Union, in a strongly-worded statement, said the crisis “seems like a coup” and called on the military to immediatel­y halt their actions and respect the constituti­on.

zimbabwe’ s military was in control of the country on Wednesday as President Robert Mugabe said he was under house arrest, although generals denied staging a coup.

Mugabe’s decades-long grip on power appeared to be fading as military vehicles blocked roads outside the parliament in Harare and senior soldiers delivered a late-night television address to the nation.

“The president... and his family are safe and sound and their security is guaranteed,” Major General Sibusiso Moyo said, slowly reading out a statement.

“We are only targeting criminals around him who are committing crimes... As soon as we have accomplish­ed our mission we expect that the situation will return to normalcy.”

Moyo said: “This is not a military takeover of government.”

But the generals’ actions posed a major challenge to the 93-year-old Mugabe, who has ruled Zimbabwe since independen­ce from Britain in 1980.

Neighbouri­ng South Africa’s President Jacob Zuma, one of Mugabe’s closest allies, said he had spoken to the veteran leader by telephone.

Mugabe “indicated that he was conined to his home but said that he was ine,” the South African government said in a statement that called for calm and restraint.

Tensions between Mugabe and the military establishm­ent, which has long helped prop up his authoritar­ian rule, erupted in public over recent weeks.

The ruling ZANU-PF party on Tuesday accused army chief General Constantin­o Chiwenga of “treasonabl­e conduct” after he criticised Mugabe for sacking vice president Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Mnangagwa’s dismissal left Mugabe’s wife Grace, 52, in prime position to succeed her husband as the next president − a succession strongly opposed by senior ranks in the military.

As the situation deteriorat­ed overnight, prolonged gunire was heard near Mugabe’s private residence.

On Wednesday, the TV state broadcaste­r played liberation struggle songs, while many citizens in Harare shopped at markets, drove to work or queued outside banks despite the turmoil.

The US embassy warned its citizens in the country to “shelter in place” due to “ongoing political uncertaint­y.”

South Africa urged Zimbabwe to resist any “unconstitu­tional changes” of government, and said it was sending envoys to Harare on behalf of the SADC bloc of southern African nations to help resolve the impasse.

Mugabe and Grace made no public comment and their exact whereabout­s was not known, while government and army spokesmen were not available to comment.

“The government’s silence on the military deployment­s seem to conirm that President Mugabe has lost control of the situation,” Robert Besseling, of the London-based EXX Africa risk consultanc­y, said.

Mugabe is the world’s oldest head of state, but his poor health has fuelled a bitter succession battle as potential replacemen­ts jockey for position.

In speeches this year, Mugabe has often slurred his words, mumbled and paused for long periods.

His lengthy rule has been marked by brutal repression of dissent, mass emigration, vote-rigging and economic collapse since land reforms in 2000.

Speculatio­n has been rife in Harare that Mugabe had sought to remove army chief Chiwenga, who is seen as an ally of ousted Mnangagwa.

Mnangagwa, 75, was previously one of Mugabe’s most loyal lieutenant­s, having worked alongside him for decades.

Earlier this year Zimbabwe was gripped by a bizarre spat between Grace and Mnangagwa that included an alleged ice-cream poisoning incident that laid bare the pair’s rivalry.

 ?? Agence France-presse ?? A woman passes the street as Harare residents queue outside a bank in Harare on Wednesday.
Agence France-presse A woman passes the street as Harare residents queue outside a bank in Harare on Wednesday.

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