Gulf Today

Farage loses £100,000 libel legal battle

)ormer Ukip leader loses a legal battle against anti racism campaign racism campaign group hope Not hate over his accusation­s that they are ‘violent and undemocrat­ic’


Nigel Farage has lost a legal battle against anti-racism campaign group Hope Not Hate over his accusation­s that they are “violent and undemocrat­ic.”

The anti-hate campaigner­s crowd sourced funding to sue the former Ukip leader for libel over the claims, and demanded £100,000 in damages.

Farage has reportedly now agreed to withdraw his statement and not repeat it.

The comments in question were made during an LBC radio show last December. Farage was responding to Brendan Cox, the husband of murdered Labour MP Jo Cox, who had accused the 53-year-old MEP of stoking tensions over a terrorist attack on a Berlin Christmas market.

Farage had appeared to blame the attack on Angela Merkel, leading Cox to claim he was “blaming politician­s for the actions of extremists.”

In response, Farage said: “Yes, well of course he would know more about extremists than me, Cox. He backs organisati­ons like Hope Not Hate, who masquerade as being lovely and peaceful, but actually pursue violent and undemocrat­ic means.”

After Farage refused to retract the allegation, Hope Not Hate launched an appeal asking the public to help fund a legal case. It said 16,000 people have since donated to the fund.

Facing the threat of a court battle, Farage has now agreed to withdraw his claims.

In a statement iled to the court, he reportedly said: “Having now considered the position further I am happy to acknowledg­e that Hope Not Hate does not tolerate or pursue violent or undemocrat­ic behaviour.”

The MEP also agreed not to repeat the claims or allow anyone to do so on his behalf.

Nick Lowles, Hope Not Hate’s chief executive, said: “I am delighted with this victory and that we’ve held Nigel Farage to account.

“The case was about the truth and about HOPE not hate saying no to Nigel Farage’s attempts to smear us. For too long right-wing politician­s have got away with smearing and abusing their opponents. We drew a line in the sand and ‘no more.’

“We are an avowedly peaceful organisati­on and Farage’s false claims were deeply damaging to the vital work we do bringing communitie­s together across cultural and religious divides.”

 ??  ?? Nigel Farage
Nigel Farage

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