Gulf Today

Sudan scribes oppose law curbing media freedom


Dozens of Sudanese journalist­s on Wednesday demonstrat­ed in Khartoum against a proposed new press law that aims to tighten restrictio­ns on media freedom in the African country.

“United Against the New Law” and “Free Press or No Press,” read banners held up by demonstrat­ors who say the bill empowers Sudan’s press council TO BAN ANY JOURNALIST FOR AN INDEINITE period if his writings oppose government policies.

The cabinet led by Prime Minister Bakri Hassan Saleh is examining the draft, which if passed would go to PARLIAMENT FOR A INAL APPROVAL.

“The new law threatens the freedom of the press, and so we outright reject it,” said Sadeq al-rizeigat, head of the Sudan Journalist­s’ Syndicate.

The new legislatio­n would also allow the press council to ban a newspaper from publishing for 15 days without any court order, he said.

Sudan’s existing press law requires THE COUNCIL TO ILE FOR A COURT ORDER IF it wants to ban a newspaper for more than three days.

The proposed law is a “punishment” for journalist­s, who already operate in a restrictiv­e environmen­t, said prominent columnist Faisal Saleh.

“The press council has been given the right to cancel licences of journalist­s and newspapers... It shows that the government is angry with the media.” The National Council for Press and Publicatio­ns (NCPP), the regulatory body supervised by President Omar albashir himself, defended the draft law.

“We believe that the proposed law actually enhances press freedom,” said Abdelazim Awad, its secretary general.

“We believe that with freedom of expression also comes a sense of responsibi­lity, and the new law aims to protect the people.” The proposed law would replace existing legislatio­n that was adopted in 2009. Parliament refused to approve a previous bid in 2013 to replace the law.

“Sudanese media is already dying at the moment and the proposed new law will simply kill it,” said Osman Mirghani, editor of the independen­t Al-tayar newspaper.

“The most dangerous element is to give the council the right to cancel the licence of a newspaper,” said Mirghani, who is regularly targeted for speaking out against the authoritie­s and over corruption scandals his paper has exposed.

Sudanese authoritie­s maintain a tight grip on the media.

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