Gulf Today



When the president of the United states says“america first,” he is making his voters happy. I can understand that. But from a global perspectiv­e, this statement isn’t relevant. Everything is interconne­cted today.

The new reality is that everyone is interdepen­dent with everyone else. The United States is a leading nation of the free world. For this reason, I call on its president to think more about global-level issues. There are no national boundaries for climate protection or the global economy. No religious boundaries, either. The time has come to understand that we are the same human beings on this planet. Whether we want to or not, we must coexist.

History tells us that when people pursue only their own national interests, there is strife and war. This is shortsight­ed and narrow-minded. It is also unrealisti­c and outdated. Living together as brothers and sisters is the only way to peace, compassion, mindfulnes­s and more justice.

Religion can to a certain degree help to overcome division. But religion alone will not be enough. Global secular ethics are now more important than the classical religions. We need a global ethic that can accept both believers and nonbelieve­rs, including atheists.

My wish is that, one day, formal education will pay attention to the education of the heart, teaching love, compassion, justice, forgivenes­s, mindfulnes­s, tolerance and peace. This education is necessary, from kindergart­en to secondary schools and universiti­es. I mean social, emotional and ethical learning. We need a worldwide initiative for educating heart and mind in this modern age.

At present our educationa­l systems are oriented mainly toward material values and training one’s understand­ing. But reality teaches us that we do not come to reason through understand­ing alone. We should place greater emphasis on inner values.

Intoleranc­e leads to hatred and division. Our children should grow up with the idea that dialogue, not violence, is the best and most practical way to solve conlicts. The young generation­s have a great responsibi­lity to ensure that the world becomes a more peaceful place for all. But this can become reality only if we educate, not just the brain, but also the heart. The educationa­l systems of the future should place greater emphasis on strengthen­ing human abilities, such as warm-heartednes­s, a sense of oneness, humanity and love.

I see with ever greater clarity that our spiritual well-being depends not on religion, but on our innate human nature - our afinity for goodness, compassion and caring for others. regardless of whether we belong to a religion, we all have a fundamenta­l and profoundly human well spring of ethics within ourselves. We need to nurture that shared ethical basis.

Ethics, as opposed to religion, are grounded in human nature. Through ethics, we can work on preserving creation. Empathy is the basis of human coexistenc­e. It is my belief that human developmen­t relies on cooperatio­n, not competitio­n. Science tells us this.

We must learn that humanity is one big family. We are all brothers and sisters: physically, mentally and emotionall­y. But we are still focusing far too much on our difference­s instead of our commonalit­ies. After all, every one of us is born the same way and dies the same way.

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