Gulf Today



FAST food is a fad these days and to make kids eat healthy food is proving to be a Herculean task for the parents.

Children are fond of fast food and are least interested in eating homecooked food or even fresh fruits.

It is every parent’s wish to see his or her children healthy and all possible means are tried to put kids on a healthy diet. However, very few parents succeed in their “healthy” endeavour.

Children start making faces the moment they are asked to drink a glass of milk or eat fruits.

Recently, one of my cousins narrated a rather funny incident where a mother was literally in tears seeing her six-year-old son eating a banana.

The boy was looking too weak and on asking, the worried mother told my cousin the he hardly drank milk and had never eaten a fruit.

My cousin took it as a challenge and while the child was playing she crushed a full banana and put it in bowl and made him eat full banana bite by bite without him even noticing what he was eating.

His mother was literally in tears when she saw her son inish one full banana and was almost speechless for a few seconds.

She kept thanking my cousin for the “miracle.”

Though the incident was sad in its totality, when my cousin narrated the incident to us we all burst into laughter thinking how cinematic the whole scene would have been where a mother was crying on seeing a 6-year-old child eating a full banana.

 ??  ?? Faisal Siddiqui
Faisal Siddiqui

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