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SPD membership to vote on any deal propping up Merkel

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BERLIN: Germany’s Social Democrats bowed to pressure from across the political spectrum on Friday to help form a new government led by Chancellor Angela Merkel, but pledged that party members would HAVE inal say on Any DEAL.

The turnabout by the centre-left party, which had said it would go into opposition after suffering its worst result in 70 years in a September election, could help avert a disruptive repeat election in Europe’s economic and political powerhouse.

SPD leader Martin Schulz told a news conference that party leadership had reached the decision out of a sense of responsibi­lity to Germany and Europe after Sunday’s collapse of talks aimed at forming a three-way coalition.

“There is nothing automatic about the direction we are moving in,” Schulz said. “If a discussion results in us deciding to participat­e in any form whatsoever in the formation of a government, we will put it to a vote of party members.” Backing for a new government could come in various forms other than a coalition, including a formal agreement not to obstruct a Merkel-led minority government or an informal agreement to tolerate it.

The decision to support a government is a fraught one for party members, who saw four years of constructi­ve participat­ion in a Merkel-led government rewarded by voters with its worst vote share since World War Two.

Over her 12 years in power, Merkel has seen off a succession of coalition partners who then went to endure painful electoral defeats. A cartoon published by Cicero magazine on Friday depicted the SPD as a mouse being enticed out of its hole by a waiting feline Merkel.

Schulz will hold joint talks with Merkel and Horst Seehofer, leader of her Christian Democrats’ Bavarian arch-conservati­ve sister party, for talks hosted by President Frank-walter Steinmeier next week.

Steinmeier, once an SPD foreign minister, urged his former party to go back on its pledge to go into opposition, having made clear that he saw fresh elections as a last resort.

The SPD have governed in coalition under Merkel since 2013, and that government remains in place in a caretaker role.

Merkel is facing the biggest political deadlock of her career since efforts to forge a three-way coalition with the pro-business Free Democrats (FDP) and ecologist Greens collapsed last weekend.

 ??  ?? Martin Schulz
Martin Schulz

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