Gulf Today

Obrador leads presidenti­al race polls in Mexico

The 64-year-old laid out his 2018 policy on Monday, vowing to boost infrastruc­ture spending without upsetting stability. He also published a 415page manifesto outlining goals such as cleaning up graft with tighter financial regulation­s


MEXICO CITY: Mexican leftist presidenti­al hopeful Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador showed leads over potential rivals in two newspaper polls published Wednesday, shortly after he unveiled key policies of his campaign platform ahead of next July’s election.

Lopez Obrador is almost certain to be the candidate for his National Regenerati­on Movement (MORENA), but other parties have yet to announce who will run for them, making accurate polling Dificult.

The survey in business newspaper El Financiero showed Lopez Obrador, a former Mexico City mayor who has already vied twice for the presidency, ahead in any of ten potential candidate groupings with leads ranging from 5 to 15 percentage points.

A separate poll in national daily El Universal showed AMLO, as the politician is known locally, at the top in six candidate combinatio­ns but with smaller margins, ranging from 5 to 10 points.

The 64-year-old laid out his 2018 policy platform on Monday, vowing to boost infrastruc­ture spending without upsetting economic stability. He also published a 415-page manifesto outlining goals such as cleaning up graft with TIGHTER inancial regulation­s.

Lopez Obrador narrowly lost in 2006 and by a larger margin in 2012, in both cases refusing to accept results he dismissed as marred by fraud.

He previously ran a popular, moderate government as mayor of Mexico City, but rivals DEPICT HIM As A Dangerous irebrand and liken his policies and style to the socialist project in crisis-hit Venezuela.

Next year’s election is expected to be contested by multiple candidates INCLUDING Independen­ts For THE irst time, which will fragment the vote, a change that could favor either Lopez Obrador or the ruling Institutio­nal Revolution­ary Party (PRI).

President Enrique Pena Nieto is barred by law from a second term.

In both polls, Interior Minister Miguel Angel Osorio Chong emerges as the strongest potential candidate for the ruling party, which is considerin­g at least Four HIGH-RANKING oficials.

Mexican political parties have until March to formally register candidates, but most have set a mid-december deadline to Beneit From A longer CAMPAIGN period.

A coalition headed by the center-right National Action Party (PAN) and centerleft Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) is also contemplat­ing several options for candidacy.

 ??  ?? Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador
Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador

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