Gulf Today

Flynn to ‘cooperate with Russia probe’

Lawyers of ex-white House official notifies Trump team that they could no longer discuss the Mueller inquiry, the New York Times reports, citing 4 people involved in the case


WASHINGTON: Former White House national security advisor Michael Flynn is moving to cooperate with a special prosecutor probing possible collusion between Donald Trump’s campaign team and Russia during last year’s election, The New York Times reported Thursday.

Lawyers For MICHAEL Flynn notiied the president’s legal team in recent days that they could no longer discuss the investigat­ion by special prosecutor Robert Mueller, the Times reported, citing four people involved in the case.

The developmen­t indicates that Flynn is cooperatin­g with prosecutor­s or is negotiatin­g such a deal, the report said.

Flynn’s lawyers had been sharing informatio­n with Trump’s legal team about Mueller’s probe related to Russian interferen­ce in last year’s presidenti­al vote, which saw Trump defeat his Democratic challenger Hillary Clinton.

“That agreement has been terminated,” the Times’ sources said.

Mueller has a broad mandate and has honed in on the activities of Flynn, one of THE Highest-proile igures to Come under his scrutiny.

Flynn, a retired lieutenant general who previously led the Defense Intelligen­ce Agency, became the White House national security advisor after Trump took OFICE on January 20 this year.

He was forced to resign three weeks later amid reports about his communicat­ions with then Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak and claims he had misled Vice President Mike Pence about them.

Mueller’s investigat­ion has already led to the arrest of Trump’s one-time campaign chairman Paul Manafort, Manafort’s partner Rick Gates, and George Papadopoul­os, a campaign foreign policy advisor.

Papadopoul­os pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his Russian contacts, in a deal that made clear he is cooperatin­g with Mueller.

In addition to his frequent contacts with Kislyak, Flynn is alleged to have accepted payments before and after the election to lobby for Turkey.

US media have previously reported that Flynn and his son Mike Flynn Jr, who has worked with him, could be Mueller’s next targets.

Three congressio­nal committees have also been probing Russian meddling in US politics.

Although nothing has linked the president directly to the Russians, US MEDIA HAVE reported that HIS iring of FBI director James Comey has drawn Mueller’s attention.

Trump ired Comey In MAY, CITING the FBI chief’s probe into the alleged links between the presidenti­al campaign and Russian interferen­ce, as well as Comey’s alleged protection of Clinton.

Comey, for his part, wrote a memo alleging Trump had asked him to drop his investigat­ion into Flynn.

On a trip to Asia this month Trump LASHED out At THREE Former US oficials, including Comey, whose agencies helped produce THE original INTELLIGEN­CE inding of Russian interferen­ce.

He called former CIA chief John Brennan, former director of national intelligen­ce James Clapper and Comey “political hacks.”

Trump later qualiied HIS remarks by saying he believed in his country’s intelligen­ce agencies, but also expressed faith in Russian President Vladimir Putin’s denials of meddling in the US vote.

In mid-november US Attorney General Jeff Sessions denied to the House Judiciary Committee that he lied in previous testimony when he said he had no knowledge of contacts between Trump’s campaign and Moscow.

Citing a poor memory, Sessions, whose recusal from the Russia probe led to Mueller’s appointmen­t, said he had forgotten a March 2016 meeting between Trump and his foreign policy advisory team despite leading the team.

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