Gulf Today



I WAS never a foodie. In fact, eating was never my favourite things to do (Yes, such people do exist). Don’t get me wrong, I eat to live and am currently healthy and content.

For a person like me to try out different cuisine is out of the question, but if you are married to a person who enjoys every bit he takes, yes you too have to take your taste buds for an adventurou­s trip once in a while.

That’s how I decided to try out the popular dishes here in Middle East as we had decided to settle in the UAE. Arabic cuisine is hardly a single entity. Instead, it is made up of many different regional foods spanning the Arab world, from the North African region to west of Asia and the Arabian Peninsula.

What is now served across restaurant­s might not be the authentic Emirati cuisine, but they have given my taste buds a zest to try out different food.

Shavarma was the irst one I gave a try. Instantly my taste buds gave a standing ovation welcoming the scrumptiou­s taste of perfectly grilled and shaved meat with pickles and veggies wrapped in its tasty cocoon.

Wherever you go, your meal will deinitely include Khubz (the Arabic latbread quite like the pita). You can eat it with hummus (another signature item here) and grilled meat.

One of the favourite snacks here is falafel; deep-fried ball made from ground chickpeas. They are crispy on the outside, hot and luffy on the inside. Top them with salads, pickled vegetables, hot sauce, and drizzled with tahini-based sauces or garlic sauce in a pita bread... Hmm! Okay, I’m making myself hungry!

Arabic coffee is a ritual in itself. It is usually made with the addition of some cardamom, served in small cups and is always with dates. Take a sip and your mouth would have got a revitalisi­ng effect instantly.

My attitude towards food has changed now. I can now empathise with foodie, or at least can understand how a tasty food can bring about happiness. I should confess, during our vacations I do miss those succulent shavarmas and sweet juicy dates. I now appreciate the vast mouth-watering Indian cuisine and my taste goblets have started its baby steps towards the quest to conquer the world of luscious food.

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