Gulf Today

Plastic straw and cotton bud ban proposed


The UK is set to ban the sale of plastic straws and drinks stirrers that blight the country’s seas and rivers, ministers have announced.

In the latest move to tackle the escalating plastic waste problem, environmen­t secretary Michael Gove said it is “vital we act now” to eliminate straws from use - with 8.5 billion thrown away every year.

The ban, which also covers plastics - temmed cotton buds, is being announced at the start of the Commonweal­th Heads of Government Meeting on Thursday, where the UK will commit £61m to develop new ways of clearing up plastics.

It follows a string of announceme­nts from Gove’s department as he pushes to stake out environmen­tal issues as Conservati­ve political territory, with campaigner­s now encouraged to push for progress in other areas too.

The Independen­t is currently calling on ministers to implement a 25p “latte levy” on disposable coffee cups, for example, which are almost impossible to recycle effectivel­y.

Outlining the new ban, which will be subject to a consultati­on starting later this year, the cabinet minister said: “Single-use plastics are a scourge on our seas and lethal to our precious environmen­t and wildlife so it is vital we act now.

“We have already banned harmful microbeads and cut plastic bag use, and now we want to take action on straws, stirrers and cotton buds to help protect our marine life.

“We’ve already seen a number of retailers, bars and restaurant­s stepping up to the plate and cutting plastic use, however it’s only through government, businesses and the public working together that we will protect our environmen­t for the next generation - we all have a role to play in turning the tide on plastic.”

Single-use plastic items such as straws, stirrers and plastic-stemmed cotton buds have a signiicant impact on the environmen­t when they are either littered or discarded incorrectl­y after use.

Under the proposals, the sale of the items would be outlawed in England as part of the government’s 25-year environmen­t plan to eliminate avoidable plastic waste.

Among businesses making headway on plastics is take-away company Deliveroo, which set out to give customers an opt out of receiving plastic cutlery, leading to a 91 per cent fall in their use.

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