Gulf Today

US optimistic on Iran N-talks with allies

Washington hopes for success in dialogue with Europeans on ‘fixing’ Iran N-deal ahead of May 12 deadline; earthquake hits Bushehr nuclear power plant, no casualties reported


The United States hopes to reach agreement with Britain, France and Germany to address President Donald Trump’s concerns about the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, Washington’s disarmamen­t ambassador said on Thursday.

The crux of the accord between Iran and six major powers —Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the United States — was that Tehran would curb its nuclear programme in return for relief from internatio­nal sanctions that hobbled its economy.

UN nuclear inspectors have since repeatedly VERIFIED IRANIAN Compliance with the deal and sanctions were rescinded.

On Jan.12, however, Trump sent an ultimatum to Britain, France and Germany, saying they must agree to “ix THE terrible laws of THE Iran nuclear deal” or he would refuse to extend the critical US sanctions relief that it entails.

US sanctions will resume unless Trump issues new “waivers” to suspend them on May 12, although it is unclear how fast they would go into effect. Iran has ruled out renegotiat­ing the deal.

US disarmamen­t ambassador Robert Wood said Washington had been having “intense” discussion­s with its three major European allies ahead of the May 12 deadline.

He said Washington wanted to address the Iranian ballistic missile programme, 10-year “sunset” clauses for limits on its nuclear activity and Tehran’s “destabilis­ing behaviour in the Middle East,” as well as to toughen inspection­s by the Internatio­nal Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Iran.

“These issues have to be dealt with. We are hopeful that an agreement can be reached that the president can feel comfortabl­e with,” Wood told a news conference in Geneva.

“We want the IAEA to get access to all the sites they need to. The Iranians obfuscate and deny, say they’ll offer access and then deny it. It’s important for the IAEA to go anywhere it needs to, including military sites,” Wood said.

European oficials SAID AFTER THEIR latest round of talks on April 12 they were making headway toward an agreement, though remain unclear whether a deal could be struck on the sunset clauses and if Trump would embrace their efforts.

Iran has said its nuclear programme is for peaceful purposes only and that its ballistic missiles are solely for defence and having nothing to do with its nuclear activity.

Speaking ahead of French President Emmanuel Macron’s trip to Washington next week, an aide to the leader said there had been progress in talks with the United States, but Paris was being prudent as the “moment of truth” approached.

“We know that President Trump hasn’t made his decision yet so we are continuing to exchange and defend our arguments,” the aide said. “But we must be very cautious and we shouldn’t expect a breakthrou­gh on this issue during the visit to Trump.”


Earlier during the day, a magnitude 5.9 earthquake struck Iran’s southern province of Bushehr, which is home to a nuclear power plant, state television reported, but there were no immediate reports of casualties or damage.

Many houses in rural parts of the province are made of mud bricks, which have been known to crumble easily in quake-prone Iran.

“The quake hit the Kaki area in the province this morning,” the television said.

THE SEMI-OFICIAL Tasnim news AGENCY said the quake was felt in Bahrain and some other Gulf states.

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