Gulf Today

At 96, Mexican woman fulfils dream: going to high school

I feel ready to give it my all. Today is a marvellous day, says Palacios


Guadalupe Palacios stands out in her high school class in Mexico, and it is not just because of her grey hair, her deeply creased skin or her 96 years.

Palacios, who is seeking to live out her dream of inishing high school by her 100th birthday, is also the most enthusiast­ic student in the classroom.

“I feel ready to give it my all. Today is a marvellous day,” she said Monday on her irst day of high school in the southern state of Chiapas, wearing the school uniform of a white polo shirt with a black skirt and her own personal touch: a pink sweater.

“Dona Lupita,” as she is affectiona­tely known, was welcomed with applause from her fellow students at High School Number 2 in the city of Tuxtla Gutierrez, the state capital.

She diligently took notes in her chemistry and mathematic­s classes and even strutted her stuff in a dance class.

Palacios grew up in poverty in an indigenous village and spent her childhood helping her family farm corn and beans instead of going to school.

As an adult, she went to work selling chickens at market, married twice and had six children.

Along the way, she picked up arithmetic, but never learned to read and write.

When she turned 92, she said, she decided it was time, and enrolled in a literacy programme. “Now I can write letters to my boyfriends,” she said with a laugh.

But she did not stop there: In 2015, she enrolled in a primary school programme for adult learners.

In less than four years, she completed both primary and middle school.

But there was no adult learning programme for high school − so she decided to enroll in a regular public school, with classmates eight decades younger.

 ?? Agence France-presse ?? Guadalupe Palacios Garcia speaks during an interview at her house in Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas.
Agence France-presse Guadalupe Palacios Garcia speaks during an interview at her house in Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas.

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