Gulf Today

Moon says North seeking ‘complete denucleari­sation’

south says deals about normalisat­ion of relations between two koreas and us should not be difficult to reach through planned summits between North’s missile programmes


north korea has expressed its desire for“complete de nuclear is at ion” of the Korean peninsula and is not seeking conditions such as US troops withdrawin­g from the South irst, South Korean President Moon Jaein said on Thursday.

Moon said big-picture agreements about normalisat­ion of relations between the two Koreas and the United States should not be dificult to reach through planned summits between North and South, and between the North and the United States, in a bid to rein in the North’s nuclear and missile programmes.

“North Korea is expressing a will for a complete denucleari­sation,” Moon told reporters.

“They have not attached any conditions that the US cannot accept, such as the withdrawal of American troops from South Korea. All they are expressing is the end of hostile policies against North Korea, followed by a guarantee of security.”

North Korea has defended its weapons programmes, which it pursues in deiance of U.N. Security Council resolution­s, as a necessary deterrent against perceived US hostility. The United States stations 28,500 troops in South Korea, a legacy of the 1950-53 Korean War.

North Korea has said over the years that it could consider giving up its nuclear arsenal if the United States removed its troops from South Korea and withdrew its so-called nuclear umbrella of deterrence from South Korea and Japan.

South Korea announced on Wednesday that it is considerin­g how to change a decades-old armistice with North Korea into a peace agreement as it prepares for the North-south summit this month.

Reclusive North Korea and the rich, democratic South are technicall­y still at war because the 1950-53 conlict ended in a truce, not a peace treaty.

Moon also said he saw the possibilit­y of a peace agreement, or even internatio­nal aid for the North’s economy, if it denucleari­ses.

But he also said the summit had “a lot of constraint­s”, in that the two Koreas could not make progress separate from the North Korea-united States summit, and could not reach an agreement that transcends internatio­nal sanctions.

“So irst, the South-north Korean summit must make a good beginning, and the dialogue between the two Koreas likely must continue after we see the results of the North Korea-united States summit,” Moon said.

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Moon Jae-in

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