Gulf Today

French MPS adopt controvers­ial immigratio­n bill


Paris:france’s National Assembly has adopted a controvers­ial immigratio­n bill that speeds up the asylum process and accelerate­s deportatio­ns after a ierce debate that exposed divisions in President Emmanuel Macron’s party.

After 61 hours of discussion, the legislatio­n, which was slammed by the left as too tough and the right as too soft, was approved late Sunday by 228 votes in favour to 139 against.

Fourteen members of Macron’s centrist Republic on the Move (LREM) party were among the 24 MPS who abstained, and one dissident quit the LREM parliament­ary group after joining the naysayers − a rare display of deiance in the usually on-message movement.

Jean-michel Clement, a former member of the Socialist Party who joined Macron’s party last year, said he had voted with his “conscience”.

Opposition was strongest on the right, with the conservati­ve Republican­s and far-right National Front (FN) leading a failed charge for much tougher controls on immigratio­n.

FN leader Marine Le Pen, who won 36 per cent of the vote in last year’s presidenti­al election run-off, said the law would lead to a “lood of migration.”

But NGOS were also up in arms. Within minutes of the vote Amnesty Internatio­nal France issued a statement warning that the “dangerous” legislatio­n, which allows for failed asylum-seekers to be detained for up to 90 days, jeopardise­d migrants’ rights.

The French migrant-support charity Cimade was also sharply critical of the draft law.

“So men, women and children can be locked up for three months without committing an offence. No government has ever gone so far on locking up foreigners,” it tweeted.

But opinion polls show voters supporting stricter rules, which the government presented as necessary to check the rise of populists who are on the march across Europe.

On Saturday, far-right activists from various European countries blocked a key mountain pass on the border with Italy to try prevent migrants − mostly young men from west Africa − crossing.

France received a record 100,000 asylum applicatio­ns last year, bucking the general trend in Europe where the number of asylum seekers halved between 2016 and 2017.

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