Gulf Today



Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s journey to Sweden, London and Berlin last week showcased India’s growing external opportunit­ies. The Modi GOVERNMENT’S CONTINUING FOREIGN POLICY INNOVATION IS RELECTED IN THE launch of a new forum, the Nordic Five, and revival of an old one, the Commonweal­th. The visit by an Indian PM to Stockholm after nearly three DECADES PROVIDED AN OCCASION TO COLLECTIVE­LY ENGAGE WITH THE IVE NORDIC countries — Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. With a combined population of barely 27 million, the Nordic Five have the world’s 11th largest GDP. Despite much goodwill for India and a remarkable back story of engagement with these countries, the Nordic group had simply fallen off India’s political radar. The rediscover­y of the Nordics is part of the PM’S more intensive outreach to Europe over the last year and more. It is underlined by the last-minute addition of Berlin to Modi’s itinerary. Europe’s economic depth, shared political values and its eagerness for stronger political ties with Delhi amidst the rise of China, assertion of Russia and growing uncertaint­y about America’s future are opening up new possibilit­ies for Indian foreign policy. If Stockholm and Berlin are about India drilling deeper into Europe, the PM’S visit to London was about Brexit — the United Kingdom’s breakup with the old continent. As Britain reposition­s itself in the world, it is looking to revitalise the Commonweal­th and deepen ties with India.

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