Gulf Today

Agent jailed for robbing Dhs155,000


DUBAI: A company agent who fled home with Dhs155, 000 and Whatsapped his boss that he took his “end of service benefits,” will spend three years in the dock.

The Arab agent, 38, forged three receipts attributed to the Dubai Department of Economic Developmen­t, worth Dhs20,230, Dhs14,620 and Dhs18,860 respective­ly, the Criminal Court learnt.

He did it by deleting authentic data and replacing it with bogus one. He also forged a cash deposit form and slip showing he had deposited Dhs100,000 in the businessma­n’ interest, prosecutor­s said.

He also counterfei­ted a receipt worth Dhs1,110 attributed to the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department, using a printer. He handed them to thee mira ti business man, 60, and decamped with Dhs155,000.

The Dubai Criminal Court has sentenced him to three years in the dock and ordered he be deported after serving the jail term. It also ordered the confiscati­on of the forged documents.

In prosecutio­n records, the businessma­n who has a chain of companies hired the defendant as their agent and tasked him with clearing procedures at different government entities.

In Dec.2016 the businessma­n handed him Dhs155,000 fees for renewing trade licences of three companies at the Department of Economic Developmen­t and the judicial department in Abu Dhabi.

“He Whatsapped me a document showing he deposited Dhs100,000 at the judicial department as I told him. I came to realise he travelled abroad. Days later, he told me to deposit the sum myself. He warned that the next day was the inal day for making deposits at the judicial department. I demanded to know why he did not do as told. He notiied me he was already in his homeland.”

The businessma­n went to the department and showed oficials the document. They notiied him it was forged. He visited the economic department. He was told licence renewal fees were unpaid.

The agent insisted the Dhs100,000 was worth his end of service beneits. He later proposed to return Dhs40,000 provided the businessma­n sent him a letter stating he was not demanding him money and would never demand him any.

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