Gulf Today




President Donald Trump Deines HIMSELF By THE people who surround him, especially the top advisers he picks to run his administra­tion — people he described in early 2016 as “the best and most serious people” and “top of the line profession­als.” When it comes to pronouncin­g on their ability to abide by the law and remain corruption-free, however, Trump falls eerily silent or resorts to blaming the scandals plaguing his administra­tion on “fake news.” Norman Ornstein of the conservati­ve American Enterprise Institute in March described the administra­tion as a “contingent of corrupt kleptocrat­s.” Two of his Cabinet members have been forced out amid corruption scandals. A third, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, has a history of ethical lapses and potential criminal behaviour deserving of deeper congressio­nal investigat­ion, if not a swift boot out the door by Trump himself. A recent report by Forbes magazine outlined levels of corporate malfeasanc­e by Ross that should have disqualifi­ed him from the start. HIS senate confirmati­on hearings should have opened with questionin­g about the lie by Ross that he was worth $2 billion when, in fact, his worth is in the range of only $700 million. Forbes reporter Dan Alexander has spent months investigat­ing the secretary’s background. Ross has allegedly stolen from his business partners, prompting multiple lawsuits and even litigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission. The total amount Ross’ company is alleged to have pilfered from various individual­s exceeds $120 million. St. Louis Post-dispatch

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