Gulf Today

Disease outbreak feared in Kerala


KOCHI: Nearly UMMIMMM people have been displaced and over 35M have died in the worst flooding in a century in southern fndia’s Kerala statei officials said on Sundayi while authoritie­s feared an outbreak of disease among those crammed into relief camps.

cloodwater finally started recedj ing giving some respite for thouj sands of marooned families. qhere are TO4I64V people now living in 5I645 temporary sheltersi mostly in schools closed for the lnam vacaj tioni and many have been shifted to homes of their relatives.

qhe Southern Naval Command said it’s continuing rescue operaj tions at an even greater tempo to meet the increasing requests from the affected areas.

ft has deployed VO teams of divj ers in multiple locations across the affected districtsi including OM teams joined them on Sunday.

lver 5UI5MM people were rescued on Saturday and OOIM34 on Sunday

and the operations were still going on. Meanwhile, troops were withdrawn from Wayanad district as the situation improved and redeployed them in other more critical locations.

Onerescuet­eamisposit­ionedinkan­nur and 19 in Alappuzha. All together, they rescued more than 3575 people by boats.

Also, aircraft carrier INS Garuda is extensivel­y winching up stranded people, transfer of stores, boats, and relief material - especially food and water.

Over 8000 kg of relief material consisting of over a 100,000 food packets, along with bottled water and medicines, were also airdropped on rooftops of houses and churches.

They airlifted ten ladies in advanced pregnancy to safety.

It also opened its airport for civilian ATR aircraft to operate commercial flights, after almost two decades.

The Cochin Internatio­nal Airport remains shut while the public transport services, including the railways, have resumed operations partially.

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