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UK to publish no-deal Brexit advice


LONDON: The government is to begin publishing its Brexit technical notices, setting out the consequenc­es of crashing out of the EU without a deal, on thursday, the prime minister’ s office has said.

The first of the explanator­y documents are expected from the Department for Exiting the European Union (DEXEU) within days and are designed to inform citizens and businesses how to cope with a no-deal scenario.

All 84 of the notices are due to be published before the end of September. Some are thought to be broad in scope, covering issues like financial services, company law and climate change, while others will focus on specific problems including travelling abroad with pets.

Two days before the first publicatio­n, Brexit secretary Dominic Raab will travel to Brussels in a bid to pick up the pace of talks with the EU’S chief negotiator Michel Barnier, Theresa May’s office added on Saturday.

“On the agenda will be resolving the few remaining withdrawal issues related to the UK leaving the EU and pressing ahead with discussion­s on the future relationsh­ip,” Downing Street said of Tuesday’s planned summit. Raab is also due to give a speech outlining how the government plans to mitigate the potential risks of leaving the EU without a deal and ensure continuity and stability.

It comes amid The Independen­t’s campaign for a Final Say on any Brexit deal. More than 660,000 people have signed our petition, and The Independen­t has joined forces with the People’s Vote campaign for a mass march through central London later this year.

Almost half of the technical notices have been drawn up by either the Department for Environmen­t, Food and Rural Affairs or the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. Chris Grayling’s Department for Transport and the Treasury have also played prominent roles. Planning is being coordinate­d by DEXEU.

A spokespers­on said on Friday, when leaked reports of the documents emerged: “Individual department­s are preparing specific technical notices to help citizens, businesses and consumers to prepare for March 2019 in the unlikely event of a no-deal scenario.

“This is part of our preparator­y work that has been underway for the past two years. These will be published in August and September and will be available on in a centralise­d location that is easy for people to access and use.”

The papers are expected to employ measured language to avoid criticism — aired previously by Brexiteer MPS — that the government is “weaponisin­g” the idea of no-deal Brexit.

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