Gulf Today

Boris proposals too ‘vague,’ says DUP

Coalition party’s Brexit spokesman Sammy Wilson says a Canada-style trade deal advocated by the Tory MP and other Brexiteers was ‘not something we could support’


LONDON: Adopting Boris Johnson’s Brexit plans would leave the Conservati­ves’ commons majority at risk of collapse after their Northern Irish DUP partners branded the proposals too “vague.”

The party’s Brexit spokesman Sammy Wilson said a Canada-style trade deal advocated by Johnson and other Brexiteers was “not something we could support.’

It comes as ex-foreign secretary Johnson set out how he believed such a plan might work in a sprawling 4,600 word article on the eve of conference.

But the DUP’S stance is a boost for May as she attracted criticism from all wings of her party over a lack of vision for the UK.

Wilson told the Belfast News Letter that the proposals for a Canada-like free trade deal, with added elements, set out in a paper by Brexiteers David Davis and Jacob Rees-mogg were “inconsiste­nt.”

He said: “I am not sure if this report is deliberate­ly vague or just not very well thought out.”

“It talks about the goods which are regulated differentl­y in EU member states, and uses the phrase ‘of which there are many.’”

“Are they saying that the UK government would commit to, or the NI Executive would be required to commit to, copying all of the EU regulation­s in relation to that myriad number of goods? That is not clear.”

Wilson, who has also been critical of May’s plans, went on to raise doubts ABOUT LAWS FOR SOME GOODS BEING SPECIIC to Northern Ireland rather than the whole UK.

In his article advocating his proposals, Johnson accused the government and civil service of a “pretty invertebra­te performanc­e” in negotiatio­ns and said there had been “a collapse of will by the British establishm­ent to deliver on the mandate of the people.”

The former mayor of London said May’s proposal would leave the UK “half-in, half-out” of the European Union and proposed a six-point alternativ­e plan for Brexit.

Within that he argued for a new withdrawal agreement in which the Irish border question would be settled as part of the deal on the future economic arrangemen­ts.

Elsewhere, Tories across the party TURNED THEIR IRE ON THE PRIME MINISTER ahead of its Birmingham get together, warning her that the they risk being “stuck in political rhetoric of the past.”

 ??  ?? Boris Johnson
Boris Johnson

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