Gulf Today

Netanyahu’s claims against Tehran an ‘obscene charge’


TEHRAN: Iran’s foreign minister denounced Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s allegation­s against Tehran at the UN General Assembly as an “obscene charge,” the state-run IRNA news agency reported on Friday.

The response came after Netanyahu on Thursday claimed at the General Assembly that Iran has a “secret atomic warehouse” on Tehran’s outskirts and challenged UN inspectors to examine it.

It was unclear whether Netanyahu’s announceme­nt sheds new light on what UN inspectors already know, or whether it was intended to prove that Iran has been violating the landmark 2015 nuclear deal with world powers that followed years of Western sanctions over the country’s contested atomic programme.

According to IRNA, Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif called Netanyahu a “liar who would not stop lying.”

The 2015 nuclear deal saw Iran drasticall­y limit its enrichment of uranium — a possible pathway to atomic grade weapons — in exchange for the lifting of crushing economic sanctions. Iran long has denied seeking nuclear weapons and claimed its programme is for peaceful purposes only.

In May, President Donald Trump pulled America out of the nuclear deal, in part due to Tehran’s ballistic missile programme, its “malign behaviour” in the Mideast and its support of militant groups like Hizbollah. The Trump administra­tion has also been re-imposing sanctions on Iran, plunging its economy further into a downward spiral.

For his part, Zarif tweeted that Israel’s the only one with an “undeclared” nuclear weapons programme in the region and that it should open it to internatio­nal inspectors.

“No arts & craft show will ever obfuscate that Israel is only regime in our region with a( asterisk) secret( asterisk) and( asterisk) undeclared( asterisk) nuclear weapons programme — including an (asterisk) actual atomic arsenal (asterisk). Time for Israel to fess up and open its illegal nuclear weapons programme to internatio­nal inspectors,” Zarif said on his Twitter account.

The spokesman of the Iranian Foreign Ministry, Bahram Ghasemi, said Netanyahu’s accusation was “not worth talking about.”

“These farcical claims and the show by the prime minister of the occupying regime (Israel) were not unexpected,” Ghasemi added.

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Javad Zarif

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