Gulf Today



There are genuine reasons behind Palestinia­n President Mahmoud Abbas’ anger with Washington and refusal to accept the United States As THE sole mediator In THE MIDDLE East Conlict. Closing THE PALESTINE LIBERATION Organisati­on OFICE In Washington, recognisin­g occupied Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, moving Its Embassy AND slashing PALESTINIA­N AID money ARE Deinitely not peace initiative­s but can only be seen as hugely discrimina­tory, favouring the occupation forces.

Through such biased actions, Washington has forfeited its right to be regarded as an honest peace mediator.

While the American administra­tion still talks about prospects of the “deal of the century,” its actions have amounted to taking several steps backwards, to such an extent that it even undermines the two-state solution favoured by the internatio­nal community.

Incidental­ly, the United Nations has been focused on the Middle East Conlict SINCE 1947. Seventy-one years AND Four wars later, after countless Security Council resolution­s, the issue remains where it was when it began, owing to the belligeren­ce of Israel.

The recent decision by the United States to cut funding for the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which works tirelessly for Palestinia­n refugees, merely added another blow to peace efforts in the region.

ESTABLISHE­D By THE GENERAL Assembly In 1949, THE UNRWA provides Assistance AND protection to over ive million REGISTERED Palestine refugees in Gaza, the West Bank, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan.

Fortunatel­y, the internatio­nal community continues to hold A irm, unwavering Commitment to keep UNRWA ALIVE AND ensure it continues to provide health and education services to Palestinia­n refugees.

It is consoling to note that the UNRWA has received pledges of $118 million from donor countries to help it overcome a crisis triggered by the US funding cuts. The European Union’s offer of An Extra $46 million to THE AGENCY will Also Help ill A signiicant part of the budget shortfall.

Sadly, not content with cutting funds to UNRWA, the Trump administra­tion also cut $200 million in bilateral aid to the Palestinia­ns for projects in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

The United States would do well to reverse its recognitio­n of occupied Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and cuts in aid to the Palestinia­ns as these steps undeniably undermine the two-state solution.

While the rest of the world stands solidly behind the Palestinia­ns, it is disappoint­ing that Washington fails to get the message right. It should end its biased approach.


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