Gulf Today



Among the tragic decisions made by President Donald Trump, slashing the number of refugees allowed into the country may be the most cruel, un-american and harmful to the nation’s security and economic strength. Congress must push back on Trump’s odious plan to admit only A maximum of 30,000 REFUGEES In iscal 2019 AMID A Global surge In Displaceme­nt. THE CAP was 110,000 when Trump took OFICE, AND HE slashed it to 45,000 last year. The cap is just the tip of the iceberg, though, as the administra­tion whittles away a program built over 40 years into a world model for vetting, resettling and saving many of the earth’s most vulnerable people. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo downplayed this by noting 280,000 asylum-seekers are now being processed — but that HIGHLIGHTS BUREAUCRAT­IC INEFICIENC­Y, not Compassion. THIS Cruelty Is why Americans cannot shrug off xenophobia and dog-whistles to far-right nationalis­ts that Trump spouts on the world stage, be it on Twitter or at the United Nations podium. Unchecked, such vitriol leads to harmful policies that increase human suffering. Americans must ask how they Beneit. Does It project strength AND LEADERSHIP For AMERICA to turn Its BACK on CHILDREN AND FAMILIES LEEING Harm AND persecutio­n who saw this country as their best hope? What does it say about the values and piety of an administra­tion that, facing strangers in need, won’t take them in?

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