Gulf Today

UN confronts countries with tough choices on climate


UNITED NATIONS: The world’s nations will gather at a UN conference in South Korea on Monday to review and approve a 20-page bombshell − distilled from more than 6,000 scientific studies − laying out narrowing options for staving off climate catastroph­e.

When the 195 countries who signed off on the Paris Agreement in 2015 requested a report from Un-led scientists on the feasibilit­y of capping global warming at 1.5 degrees Celsius, the gesture seemed to many unnecessar­y.

The treaty, after all, enjoined the world to block the rise in Earth’s surface temperatur­e at “well below” 2C (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) compared to preindustr­ial levels, adding a safety buffer to the two-degree threshold long seen as the guardrail for a climate-safe world.

Since then, however, a crescendo of deadly heat waves, loods, wildires and superstorm­s engorged by rising seas − with less than 1C warming so far − has convinced scientists that the danger cursor needed to be reset.

“There is increasing and very robust evidence of truly severe and catastroph­ic risks even at the lower bounds of these temperatur­e targets ,” said peter fr um ho ff, director of science and policy at the Union of Concerned Scientists, a Washington­based research and advocacy group.

The promise of “pursuing efforts” to limit warming to 1.5C − added to the Paris treaty at the last minute, in part to assuage poor nations who felt short-changed on other fronts − caught scientists off-guard.

“There wasn’t very much literature on 1.5C warming three years ago,” said Jim Skea, a professor of at Imperial College London’s Centre for Environmen­tal Policy, and a co-chair of the Intergover­nmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC), the UN science body charged with writing the “Special Report” on 1.5C.

- But is it feasible? - Of hundreds of climate models in 2015 projecting a low-carbon future, only two or three aimed for a 1.5C global warming cap.

The 20-page Summary Policy Makers − which will be collective­ly scrutinise­d, line-by-line, by hundreds of diplomats through Friday − contains several benchmark indings, according to a draft obtained by AFP.

At current levels of greenhouse gas emissions, for example, the Earth’s surface will heat up beyond the 1.5C threshold by 2040, the report concludes with “high conidence”.

To have a ighting chance of staying under the 1.5C cap, the global economy must, by 2050, become “carbon neutral”, meaning no additional CO2 can be allowed to leach into the atmosphere.

In addition, the report suggests that carbon dioxide emissions from human activity will need to peak in 2020 and curve sharply downward from there.

So far, we are still moving in the wrong direction: after remaining stable for three years − raising hopes the peak had come − emissions rose in 2017 to historic levels.

For many scientists, these targets are technicall­y feasible but politicall­y or socially unrealisti­c, along with the broader 1.5C goal.

“The feasibilit­y is probably going to remain an open question, even after the report comes out,” said Michael Oppenheime­r, a professor of geoscience­s and internatio­nal affairs at Princeton University.

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