Gulf Today




It is ironic that Donald Trump should call upon the world’s nations to defend their sovereignt­y and reject globalism as the US, a proligate violator of THE sovereignt­y of others, has employed global tools to secure Its selish OBJECTIVES. THESE tools include unilateral sanctions or punitive fines on any country which dares to oppose Trump and withdrawal from internatio­nal bodies which he does not like or refuse to capitulate to Trump’s commands.

Addressing the UN General Assembly Trump, Mr “America First,” stated, “America will always choose independen­ce over global governance, control and domination...” He has adopted the “America First” slogan of a Republican party committee formed at the outbreak of World War II to oppose the country’s Involvemen­t In THE European Conlict. Without US material aid and troops the war might have ended with a Nazi victory and disaster for the entire planet. The US may choose independen­ce for itself but asserts control and domination over other countries and peoples. Indeed, Washington began interferin­g and intervenin­g in countries around the globe almost as soon as the US was founded. The infant US also suffered foreign interferen­ce and should know Better than to Inlict It on others.

During Trump’s brief occupation of the White House, the US has interfered and intervened in this region, Europe, Asia, Africa, Canada and Central and South America. President Hassan Rouhani of Iran – an ongoing target of US interventi­on through sanctions – told the General Assembly, “The United States’ understand­ing of internatio­nal relations is authoritar­ian. In its estimation, might makes right. Its understand­ing of power, not of legal and legitimate Authority, Is RELECTED In Bullying AND imposition.” Indeed.

In this region, the US is intervenin­g in many countries. The US is occupying 25 per cent of Syria’s territory and supporting Both KURDISH ighters AND Arab militants, the latter ranged against the government; the US is backing the Uae-saudi campaign in Yemen; the Trump administra­tion totally supports Israel’s colonisati­on of East Jerusalem and the West Bank and is starving of funds the UN agency providing relief to Israel’ s victims, the palestinia­ns. they are being bullied by Trump to accept Israel’s diktats. The US is imposing economic sanctions on Turkey as well as Iran.

The European Union (EU) is working out ways to circumvent US sanctions on Iran, preserve THE low of oil, promote trade and investment and avoid penalties imposed by the US for those who do not capitulate to US orders. The EU deeply resents Trump’s withdrawal from the 2015 Joint Comprehens­ive Plan of Action committing Iran to downsize its nuclear programme in exchange for lifting sanctions. Iran has abided by its commitment­s, the US has not. Instead of easing sanctions, the US – under Trump and his predecesso­r – has done its best to block EU and other countries from buying Iranian oil and re-establish commercial relations with Iran.

The EU is also peeved with Trump for encouragin­g Britain to withdraw from the bloc and counts this as direct verbal interventi­on in EU affairs. Moscow is angry over US sanctions imposed over alleged Russian interferen­ce in the 2016 US presidenti­al election, involvemen­t in Ukraine, annexation of Crimea, and suspected poisoning of Russian citizens in Britain.

In Asia, the US is waging war in Afghanista­n, pressing India, Japan and South Korea to cut oil purchases from Iran, angering China by arming Taiwan, calling on North Korea to destroy its nuclear weapons, Cutting inancial AID to Pakistan, and disrupting trade with China by imposing tariffs on its exports to the US.

The Trump administra­tion has expressed concern over South Africa’s plan for agricultur­al reform as this will involve taking land held by white farmers and distributi­ng it among landless black citizens. A similar programme caused the collapse of the economy of Zimbabwe due to corruption, violence and mismanagem­ent. South Africa could manage better.

Trump is trying to compel Canada to bow to us trade directive sand threatenin­g to invade Venezuela to overthrow its leftist government. He has downgraded relations with cuba, resumed by theo ba ma administra­tion. Trump is also deporting tens of thousands of Hispanic migrants who have overstayed visas or entered the US illegally. Critics insist his “America First” policy is racist since it is being used to deport or exclude people of colour and unskilled labour. Trump has reduced the number of refugees and asylum seekers the US will accept from 45,000 to 30,000, Focusing on “qualiied” people.

On the global plane, while using certain tools to intervene in the affairs of a multitude of nations, he has adopted an isolationi­st agenda as he believes internatio­nal agreements and commitment­s circumscri­be US sovereignt­y. He has withdrawn from the Paris climate change accord, pandering to polluting US irms But risking THE lives of future generation­s by refusing to cut greenhouse gas emissions. He pulled out of THE TRANS-PACIIC Partnershi­p, reversing traditiona­l trade policies and rejecting tariff-free commerce with 12 countries. Trump left Unesco and the UN Human Rights Council due to alleged anti-israel bias and castigated the Internatio­nal Criminal Court for considerin­g Palestinia­n complaints about Israeli violence toward Palestinia­ns protesting the never-ending occupation.

Finally, he reneged on the Iran nuclear deal although it was a multilater­al accord NEGOTIATED AND RATIIED By BRITAIN, FRANCE, Russia, China, Germany, the UN and EU and Iran and endorsed by the UN Security Council. His repudiatio­n is seen by experts as illegal who argue he had no right to take such action.

This is quite a record for Trump’s irst 19 months In OFICE, A record HE proclaims loudly and proudly when addressing core voters although they and other citizens of the globe may rue the day he was elected.

US farmers are already complainin­g about Trump’s tariffs on Chinese goods which have prompted China to retaliate by imposing taxes on US pork products and soya. This has increased prices for US produce and prompted China to seek alternativ­e suppliers, harming Trump’s rural Constituen­ts. US irms which produce a wide variety of goods in China or manufactur­ers which rely on Chinese parts for high-tech items argue they will pass on higher costs to US consumers across the board. Tariffs are like sanctions: punitive weapons it is best not to employ.

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