Gulf Today



Concerning the accusation of attempted rape made by Christine Blasey Ford against Brett Kavanaugh, he has cleared his name. She points to witnesses in the room at the time, all of them have said nothing remotely like that ever took place, and yet we still hear Democratic calls for an FBI investigat­ion. The wish apparently is that non-witnesses can convince everyone otherwise.

There’s something almost insane about all of this, including the bizarre tales that HAVE Followed THE irst one, but our national confusion hardly ends with the struggle to whomp President Donald Trump’s nominee for justice of the Supreme Court. For another matter of consequenc­e and similar illogic, the progressiv­e hope is that Democrats will win the House and Senate in the midterm elections and thwart the worst of Trump; that would more likely mean thwarting the best of him and aiding the worst.

Consider that a truly shiny moment for Trump and his Republican cohorts was passage of tax reform legislatio­n taking a sluggish economy and inspiritin­g it with life, liberty and a better chance for millions to pursue happiness.

We’ve had some of the lowest unemployme­nt rates ever, a situation in which a stroll down Main Street shows as many “We’re hiring” signs as invitation­s to come in and buy. Stagnant wages? Up-and-at-’em. Manufactur­ing, said by the Obama administra­tion to have run out of human needs, is looking hard for skilled HANDS. Consumers ARE Conident, small Business ARE Conident, Family incomes are up, and the Democrats have had enough.

They said President Barack Obama did this invigorati­ng thing and that the tax breaks were just for the rich. But while the Obama plan had its pluses, the economy grew despite him, not because of him, and even then very slowly. The thing about tax cuts is not WHETHER they MIGHT Beneit some with fat wallets, but whether they are for the overall good of the society, and they were. And if you really want unemployme­nt lines circling around the block, go back to some of the highest corporate taxes in the world.

The Democrats, who could change things as midterm victors with shut-down-the-government budget games, are more and more socialists these days. They don’t get it that, without adjustment­s, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid will be consuming all federal revenue in not so many years. What they want is more money spent on all of these — in fact, Medicare for everyone — along with guaranteed jobs, free college, forgiving student loans, paid family leave and redone infrastruc­ture. What you are talking about is tens of trillions of extra spending over the next decade and you won’t get there with taxes that would only achieve equality of destitutio­n.

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