Gulf Today

PM stresses peace, but only with honour

It is clear that our soldiers will give befitting reply to those who try to disrupt atmosphere of peace, progress in our country. We believe in peace, committed to preserve it: Modi


NEW DELHI: “India believes in peace, but will not compromise its sovereignt­y in the pursuit of peace,” Prime Minister Narendra Modi asserted on Sunday in his Mann Ki Baat radio address.

“It is now clear that our soldiers will GIVE A Beitting reply to those who try to disrupt the atmosphere of peace and progress in our country. We believe in peace and are committed to preserve it, but not at the cost of our self-respect and sovereignt­y,” Modi said.

Modi’s address comes a day after India marked the second anniversar­y of the Army’s surgical strike that destroyed terror camps across the Line of Control in September 2016.

Modi focused on the armed forces, though he also discussed other subjects including human rights and the Swachh Bharat Mission.

He said the nation remembers our brave soldiers on Surgical Strikes Day. India’s youth need to know more about the valour of our armed forces.

“We remember the surgical strike carried out in 2016, where our soldiers GAVE A Beitting reply to THE proxy war under the garb of terrorism. It is now known that our soldiers can give a itting reply to those trying to Disrupt peace and progress in the country.” But we are keen on peace. India is among the highest contributo­rs to UN peacekeepi­ng forces.

We recently celebrated 100 years of the Haifa War of Israel on Sept.23. We remembered the brave soldiers of Mysore, Hyderabad & Jodhpur Lancers who liberated Haifa.

The Indian Air Force is at the forefront of relief and rescue work during times of disasters. We celebrate Air Force Day on Oct.8.

From a small beginning with six pilots and 19 airmen in 1932, our Air Force has become one of the most powerful ones of 21st Century. “I salute all air warriors and their families for their service to nation.”

“The Air Force is the best example of gender equality in this country. India can proudly say that women’s contributi­on is growing in the Air Force.”

Modi referred to Navy Commander Abhilash Tomy, whose yacht was wrecked in storm while on the Global Challenge. “Commander Abhilash Tomy Is A BRAVE oficer who Fought for his life,” Modi said. “We were all worried for him as to how we could have saved his life.

“I talked to Commander Abhilash Tomy over the phone. Even after coming out of such a huge crisis, his passion and courage is an inspiratio­n, it is indeed an example for the youth of the nation.”

“He fought for his life without any food or water. I salute him. I hope he will inspire the youth.” Ahead of Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday, Modi said, “Bapu Ji was a mass leader connecting with people was his special quality. Everyone experience­d this unique trait of his personalit­y.”

This year it’s special: it marks the start of Gandhi Ji’s 150th birth anniversar­y celebratio­ns. “Gandhi Ji was a Lok Sangrahak. Bapu gave an inspiratio­nal mantra to all of us which is known as Gandhi ji’s talisman. This mantra is extremely relevant today. He endeared himself to people across all sections of society.

“A grateful nation pays homage to Lal Bahadur Shastri Ji too. On Oct.2, we would also celebrate Shastri Ji’s birthday. His gentle personalit­y makes every Indian feel proud. His slogan of ‘JAI JAWAN,JAI KISAN’ relects HIS magnanimou­s personalit­y.”

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