Gulf Today

Alleged smuggler blames friend for possession of drugs


ABU DHABI: THE ABU DHABI Federal Appellate Court heard the case of a European woman charged with smuggling 6.85 Grammes of Drug For traficking. THE woman ENTERED THE Country on Dec.15.2017 to visit her resident friend and stay with him, with the prospect of marrying him in the Future. THE ‘FRIEND’ provided HER with an accommodat­ion. However, the police received a tip-off from a secret agent about her smuggled Drugs For traficking. THE Department raided the European lady’s house. However, the lady handed the narcotics substances to the police. THE substances were HIDDEN In AND around various household items AND HER personal Belongings. The team, therefore, seizied the 6.85 grammes of substance, arrested the lady and referred her to the public prosecutio­n and then to the court. The suspect’s lawyer said that the police oficer who arrested her Client testified During THE PUBLIC Prosecutio­n’s interrogat­ion that he received informatio­n about her client traficking In Drugs AND psychotrop­ic substances, pointing out that he relied on the statements of the ‘secret AGENT’.

However, SHE ADDED, “THE Prosecutio­n’s warrant did not mention the suspect’s name. It also mentioned that the amount of drug seized was very little, proving that it was for personal abuse and not for peddling purposes.”

She added that the criminal lab report had no evidence that the suspect’s sample contained drugs.

THE suspect, on THE other HAND, reportedly denied the charges and reported during investigat­ions that the narcotics belonged to the friend of hers, who claimed that he would be returning to collect the same.

THE lawyer Further noted that THE Dhs11,100 seized from her client’s possession Also BELONGED to HER. THE lawyer then requested acquittal, or to return the case to the prosecutio­n to interrogat­e the friend.

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