Gulf Today

Raab rushes to Brussels for Brexit talks


LONDON: Britain’s Brexit secretary made a rush visit to Brussels on Sunday for surprise talks with the top European Union (EU) negotiator as Brexit talks accelerate­d ahead of a summit later this week.

Dominic Raab’s office said in a statement that the unusual weekend meeting with the EU’S Michel Barnier was necessary.

“With several big issues still to resolve, including the Northern Ireland backstop, it was jointly agreed that face-to-face talks were necessary,” Raab’s office said.

The two are seeking a compromise position on the difficult Irish border question ahead of a EU summit that begins on Wednesday.

Even if a deal is reached on Britain’s divorce from the bloc, it’s clear that British Prime Minister Theresa May will find it challenged at home.

May is struggling to build a consensus behind her Brexit plans ahead of a cabinet meeting on Tuesday that will be followed by the EU summit on Wednesday. If former minister David Davis’ call for a rebellion is effective, the cabinet meeting is likely to be fractious.

Davis and former Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson resigned from May’s cabinet this summer to protest her Brexit blueprint. While all three are in the ruling Conservati­ve Party, the two men have become vocal opponents of May’s plan, saying it would betray the Brexit vote and leave Britain in a weakened position.


Prime minister also faces obstacles from the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) in Northern Ireland, which has played a crucial role in propping up her minority government in Parliament.

DUP leader Arlene Foster remains opposed to any Brexit plan that would require checks on goods traveling between Northern Ireland and Britain, as some European Union leaders have suggested as part of a backstop.

May’s Brexit plan has also been questioned by some opposition Labour Party lawmakers, further dimming the prime minister’s hopes of winning parliament­ary backing for any Brexit deal she reaches with the EU officials.

Meanwhile, diplomatic sources said that ambassador­s for 27 member states of the European Union have been summoned to a meeting on Brexit in Brussels.

The meeting will involve representa­tives for the EU’S member states excluding Britain

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