Gulf Today

Brunson meets Trump at White House

Turkey-freed pastor thanks president and his administra­tion, saying ‘you really fought for us’ and later kneeled to pray for the president, his hand on Trump’s shoulder


An American pastor held for two years in Turkey on terror-related charges arrived home in the United States on Saturday and sat down with US President Donald Trump, who signalled an easing in the diplomatic crisis sparked by the case.

Andrew Brunson -- who has become a cause celebre for Trump’s conservati­ve Christian base -- received a hero’s welcome at the White House shortly after his arrival at Joint Base Andrews outside Washington.

Brunson thanked Trump and his administra­tion, saying “you really fought for us” and later kneeled to pray for the president, his hand on Trump’s shoulder.

Trump repeatedly thanked Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for his help on the case, which caused not only a serious diplomatic row between the Nato allies but led to a crash in the lira, exposing Turkey’s economic fragility.

“It’s not an easy situation for Turkey either. They had a lot of dificult situations going on and I do want to thank President Erdogan for making this possible,” Trump said.

On Friday, a Turkish court in the western port city of Aliaga convicted Brunson on charges of espionage and aiding terror groups. It sentenced him to three years, one month and 15 days in jail -- but released him based on time served and good behavior.

Erdogan has said the court’s decision was “taken independen­tly.”

Both Trump and Erdogan have denied reports that the two sides reached a secret deal for the 50-year-old Brunson to be released in exchange for the US easing “economic pressure” on Ankara.

“There was absolutely no deal made,” Trump told reporters on Saturday. “We don’t pay ransom” for hostages. But as he tweeted earlier, “There was, however, great appreciati­on on behalf of the United States, which will lead to good, perhaps great, relations between the United States & Turkey!”

Erdogan later responded: “I hope that the United States and Turkey continue cooperatio­n in a manner that beits two allies.”

Trump continued to celebrate Brunson’s liberation into the night. “Big day! Pastor Andrew Brunson, who could have spent 35 years in a Turkish prison, was returned safely home to his family today,” he tweeted.

B run son is an evangelica­l presbyteri­an clergyman who lived in Turkey for nearly half his life, initially moving there in 1993 as part of a missionary programme.

He was irst detained in October 2016 and faced up to 35 years in jail. Prosecutor­s then demanded a sentence of up to 10 years.

The pastor steadfastl­y insisted he was not guilty.

“I am an innocent man. I love Jesus. I love Turkey,” he said in his inal defense.

When the verdict was read out, b run son wept and hugged his wife Norine.

After gathering his belongings, b run son was driven to the airport in the Turkish city of Izmir, where he boarded a US military plane for Germany.

Upon arrival there for a refuelling stop, he kissed an American lag presented to him by Richard Grenell, the US ambassador in Berlin.

While the strain in Us-turkish relations eased with Brunson’s release, problems remain.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo urged Turkey to “quickly release” other Americans in detention.

He said Washington would “continue to work hard to bring home all American hostages and those wrongfully imprisoned and detained.”

Nasa scientist Serkan Golge, a dual Us-turkish national, was jailed for seven and a half years in February on terror charges, a term reduced to ive years last month.

And two Turkish employees of US diplomatic missions remain in jail.

 ?? Agence France-presse ?? Andrew Brunson (left) prays for Donald Trump at the White House in Washington DC on Friday. WASHINGTON:
Agence France-presse Andrew Brunson (left) prays for Donald Trump at the White House in Washington DC on Friday. WASHINGTON:

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