Gulf Today

Woman blows herself up in central Tunis; 9 injured


TUNIS: A 30-year-old woman blew herself up in the centre of the Tunisian capital on Monday, wounding nine people including EIGHT police oficers In what THE Interior Ministry called a “terrorist explosion.”

Witnesses described a blast on the central Habib Bourguiba avenue where hundreds of police later cordoned off an area near the capital’s landmark Municipal Theatre and the French embassy.

“I was in front of the theatre and heard a huge explosion,” witness Mohamed Ekbal Bin Rajib told Reuters. Ambulances could be heard rushing to the scene.

An AFP photograph­er saw the bomber’s body, apparently mostly intact, lying on the ground under one of the neatly-trimmed box trees that line the avenue. There was no immediate claim of responsibi­lity.

Shops were shut on the avenue, usually one of the busiest streets in the capital and site of protests that toppled long-serving leader Zine Al Abidine Ben Ali at the start of the 2011 “Arab Spring” of regional revolts.

The bomber had no previously known militant background, state news agency TAP said, citing the interior ministry.

Tunisia, which is heavily dependent on tourism, has improved security since a series of militant attacks targeting tourists caused the near collapse of the sector three years ago.

In 2015, 21 people were killed during a hostage siege in its national museum, the Bardo in Tunis, and a gunman killed 38 people on a resort beach.

The following year, militants tried to capture the town of Ben Guerdane near the Libyan border.

There have been no attacks on that scale since then, but the economy has remained troubled and the authoritie­s worry about militants who shelter in neighbouri­ng Libya.

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