Gulf Today

Norway centrists likely to back minority govt: TV


OSLO: Norway’s Christian Democratic Party (CDP), which holds the balance of power in parliament, is expected to maintain its support for the minority government in a crucial vote this week, broadcaste­rs NRK and TV2 reported.

CDP leader Knut Arild Hareide has proposed switching the party’s allegiance to Labour and forming a centre-left government.

However, a narrow majority of 190 CDP delegates due to vote on the issue at a party congress on Friday said they will back Conservati­ve Prime Minister Erna Solberg, NRK and TV2 reported late on Tuesday.

If confirmed, the outcome would be a big boost for Solberg’s centre-right government, which has relied on the support of the independen­t CDP since 2013, and now sees a chance to form a majority cabinet that would cement its position until the next election in 2021.

Hareide’s proposal was seen as a bid to boost the CDP’S lagging fortunes after it won just 4.2 per cent of the vote in the 2017 election, down from a record 13.7 per cent 20 years earlier.

Hareide has grown frustrated over issues ranging from social policy to public security, and by the continued inclusion of the right-wing, anti-immigratio­n Progress Party in government.

CDP’S two deputy leaders have argued in favour of joining Solberg’s government, preferring the party’s traditiona­l Conservati­ve ally over Labour.

The vote on Friday is expected to take place via secret ballot, however, and Hareide still hopes to persuade a majority of delegates to back his view.

A centre-left government could impose some restraints on Norway’s oil industry, including state-controlled Equinor, by limiting the awards of new exploratio­n acreage, and would likely raise taxes for high earners and the wealthy.

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