Gulf Today

Falconers flock to Riyadh to celebrate ancient sport


RIYADH: Bird lovers from across the Gulf gathered in Saudi Arabia’s capital for a week-long falcon and hunting exhibition, aimed at increasing awareness of the ancient sport, particular­ly among the young.

The Saudi Falcons and Hunting Exhibition, which runs from Dec 4-8 in Riyadh, brought together falconers, breeders and hunting enthusiast­s from across the Middle East and featured BIRDS From As FAR AIELD As SIBERIA.

“It only lives in cold places. Here in Saudi Arabia we can only use it in the winter season because in summer the falcon will easily get tired and can’t Interact AND ly strongly,” SAID AIMAN Al Ashgari, a falconer from Jeddah.


Hunting with falcons has become an increasing­ly elaborate and expensive sport, with owners keeping birds worth hundreds of thousands of dollars in vast air-conditione­d aviaries, using helium balloons and drones to train them at high altitudes.

Among the younger competitor­s was hunting enthusiast Marra Al Qahtani, who said it was important to preserve ancient traditions.

“We like technology but this does not contradict our love for hunting,” he said. “We inherited this from our grandparen­ts and ancestors, for whom hunting was a way of life. It is a luxury now but we still hold onto it.”

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