Gulf Today



President Donald Trump may typically communicat­e via quicklyire­d,unilteredt­weets, but when he talks about creating a Space Force to defend vulnerable US satellites and other extraterre­strial interests, his language becomes uncharacte­ristically poetic.

“The essence of the American character is to explore new horizons and to tame new frontiers,” he said in June as he instructed the Defence Department to create this new force. “But our destiny, beyond the Earth, is not only a matter of national identity, but a matter of national security — important for our military, so important.”

Trump’s supporters share his enthusiasm. His oft-touted proposal has become a big applause line during campaign rallies, which are now punctuated with loud chants of “Space Force! Space Force!”

But Trump needs to convince more than his base of the need for this new military service. He can’t create a sixth branch of the military — the irst in more than 60 years — without congressio­nal authorisat­ion. And if Trump wants to stick to his ambitious goal of standing up the force within two years, he’ll need to sell the idea fast, a particular­ly heavy lift considerin­g Democrats will have control of the House come January.

Support from the Republican­controlled Senate, meanwhile, looks much more promising but isn’t exactly guaranteed, especially on Trump’s expedited timetable.

Senators previously rejected a House-passed proposal to create a Space Corps within the Department of the Air Force, akin to the Marine Corps’ relationsh­ip within the Navy. But there are signs that at least members of Trump’s own party may be coming around to the idea of Space Force, which the administra­tion proposes to be a new, independen­t department in the Pentagon.

Still, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have questioned whether adding to the Pentagon’s already massive bureaucrac­y is necessary or even helpful in making the emerging space mission more of a priority within the Defense Department.

To succeed, Trump needs well-placed supporters to sell his idea on Capitol Hill. Among them are his former foe, Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz, who sits on the Senate Armed Services Committee.

The 116th Congress won’t convene for another month and Cruz is already angling to at least incrementa­lly advance the president’s proposal in the iscal 2020 defense authorizat­ion bill.

“It may not be Space Force in (iscal 2020),” a GOP aide with direct knowledge of Cruz’s plans said, “but we’re trying to make sure that we can lay the groundwork for its successful inclusion.”

A classiied, members-only brieing on space threats held last spring persuaded Cruz to take legislativ­e action, the aide said. It’s unclear who exactly would beneit from Space Force, but Houston has long been a NASA hub and could stand to expand its space industry with a larger Defense Department emphasis on the mission.

Cruz could have an ally in the new chairman of the Armed Services Committee, whose mind seems to have changed on the matter following a twohour private meeting this summer with Defense Secretary James Mattis.

“They’re winning me over,” Republican Sen. James M. Inhofe of Oklahoma said, adding he doesn’t want to lose ground to Russia and China, which have more overtly emphasised space within their militaries.

Inhofe has said his panel will hold hearings on space before Congress begins its work on the next authorisat­ion bill. Unlike his predecesso­r, Arizona Republican John Mccain, who died in August, Inhofe has already shown a bias for action.

“If we’re gonna have it,” Inhofe said, “let’s go ahead and get on with it.”

That won’t likely sit well with Washington Democrat Adam Smith, who is expected to chair the House Armed Services Committee.

In 2017, Smith supported the Space Corps proposal, which originated in the Armed Services Strategic Forces Sub- committee. But he doesn’t back Trump’s idea and would almost certainly ight it during conference negotiatio­ns on the Pentagon policy measure.

In a recent statement, Smith said he is concerned that Trump’s proposal “would create additional costly military bureaucrac­y at a time when we have limited resources for defense and critical domestic priorities, and I do not believe it is the best way to advance U.S. national security.”

It isn’t just the Armed Services Committee Trump must convince. Appropriat­ors will ultimately decide how much it’s willing to invest in Space Force.

In the House, New York Democrat Nita M. Lowey, a staunch Trump critic, will soon chair the Appropriat­ions Committee and isn’t likely to sign on to the idea. And Senate Appropriat­ions Chairman Richard C. Shelby has been lukewarm on Space Force too.

Shelby wants more informatio­n from the Pentagon — detailed cost proposals, justiicati­on for the service, command structures, etc. — before cutting a check. The Pentagon, though, could sweeten the pot for the Alabama Republican if they promise to utilise his state’s vast space resources to help stand up Space Force.

But military space assets are spread across the country, with signiicant facilities in Colorado, Florida and California. Appeasing one member or delegation could engender opposition from another, meaning someone such as Shelby could just as easily opt to keep space assets as they are rather than risk losing government work or contractor­s to another state.

Amid questions about Space Force’s political prospects, the White House’s National Space Council, which is leading the effort alongside the Pentagon, remains undeterred.

“The direction to create the US Space Force remains exactly the same, and the Space Council is continuing to work with the department­s and agencies responsibl­e for implementi­ng the president’s direction to develop the sixth branch of the Armed Forces,” a spokesman said.

With all the uncertaint­y and unanswered questions surroundin­g Space Force, Harrison said he doesn’t think the Pentagon and the White House have a legislativ­e strategy worked out yet.

Doug Loverro, who served as deputy assistant secretary of Defence for space policy during the Obama administra­tion, agrees that the administra­tion needs a uniied voice and vision of what Space Force should be.

Loverro, who left the government before the Trump administra­tion called for the creation of a Space Force, said a centralise­d effort to protect America’s assets in space is badly needed, and Space Force is far and away the best way to accomplish that mission.

One way to convince Congress is to market Space Force as a down payment on the country’s security.

“We made an investment in 1947 and created an Air Force, and there’s not a single individual in the entire country who would question the wisdom of that investment,” Loverro said. “That’s the investment we’re talking about making.”

Loverro favors building upon existing support in House Armed Services. Leaders of the Strategic Forces Subcommitt­ee, Republican Mike D. Rogers of Alabama and Democrat Jim Cooper of Tennessee, are already vocal supporters of Trump’s plan.

Both Harrison and Loverro agree that keeping the issue nonpartisa­n is key.

“It didn’t start as a partisan political issue, and I think that’s good for a healthy debate. There are good ideas on all sides of that issue,” said Harrison. “As long as it remains nonpartisa­n, the odds of something good, an improvemen­t on the current system, are higher.”

But it’s impossible to separate the issue completely from the commander in chief, whose enthusiasm has its downsides, Harrison cautions. When the Trump campaign put out a fundraisin­g email earlier this year that included potential Space Force logos suggesting a military branch could be responsibl­e for a mission to Mars, it quickly turned Space Force into a punchline.

Still, Trump’s interest and advocacy have given Space Force a national proile that it wouldn’t otherwise have.

“Without a presidenti­al push, this goes nowhere,” Harrison said.

/awmaners on both sides oi the aisle have Tuestioned whether adding to the Pentagon’s already massive bureaucrac­y is necessary

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