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Donald Trump may have stood up Vladimir Putin once too often. After the US president snubbed the Kremlin leader twice in less than A month, Russia Is inally losing faith in Trump’s promise to improve relations and bracing instead for increased tensions.

Feted by Russian lawmakers with applause and champagne after his election in 2016, Trump’s mercurial decision-making is increasing­ly seen as a liability in Moscow. Russian oficials were taken ABACK when Trump tweeted that he was canceling talks with Putin at the Group of 20 summit in Argentina hours before they were due to meet last week, a decision one of them called really bad. Since then, Russian frustratio­n has steadily grown, ACCORDING to Four senior oficials, who ASKED not to BE IDENTIIED Discussing internal matters.

“This is a signal for us that it’s Dificult to DEAL with this person, that he’s unreliable and unsuitable as a partner,” said Andrey Kortunov, head of the Russian Internatio­nal Affairs Council, a research group set up by the Kremlin. “Russian patience is coming to an end.”

The failure in Buenos Aires followed cancelled talks between Trump and Putin in Paris on Nov. 11. It was the third such disappoint­ment in 12 months, puncturing lingering Russian hopes of a breakthrou­gh in US relations nearly two years AFTER Trump took OFICE. As Putin warns of a new arms race over Trump’s threat to abandon a landmark nuclear treaty, the Kremlin’s left itself with little alternativ­e than to dig in for confrontat­ion over US demands.

While Trump invited Putin to visit Washington at their Helsinki summit, that’s now “out of the question,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said. They’re unlikely to meet again before the next G-20 summit in Japan in June, he said.

The disillusio­nment with Trump may mean Russia takes a harder line in talks with the US on thorny issues including arms control, the Conlicts In UKRAINE AND SYRIA AND the Iranian nuclear accord. It may also retaliate against possible future US sanctions after Putin held back from taking measures in response to earlier rounds of penalties.

The US has accused Russia of repeatedly engaging in “malign behaviour” SINCE Trump took OFICE, making It politicall­y Dificult For HIM to work to improve relations even if he wanted to. Tensions may spike further in coming months if the US decides to impose fresh sanctions over alleged Russian election meddling. The State Department may add penalties under a law invoked after a nerve-agent attack on a former spy in the UK. Russia denies involvemen­t in the attack.

Even as Congress and the White House ratcheted up sanctions, the Kremlin worked tirelessly to embrace Trump. Putin declared at the Helsinki summit in July that he’d wanted Trump to win the election, while insisting Russia hadn’t interfered. He also defended Trump after the US president provoked a backlash at home by siding with Putin against the conclusion­s of American intelligen­ce agencies that Russia did meddle.

WHILE Russian oficials previously expressed “understand­ing” of Trump’s political DIFICULTIE­S AMID US INVESTIGAt­ions into meddling, this time, they openly cast doubt on him. The president blamed Russia’s naval clash with Ukraine near Crimea for the cancellati­on. His decision was announced hours after his former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, pleaded guilty to lying to Congress about plans for a Trump real-estate investment in Moscow.

Russia took account of Trump’s explanatio­n, though “in my opinion, the real reason is in the internal political situation in the US,” Foreign Ministry spokeswoma­n Maria Zakharova told reporters. Russian state television, which formerly lauded Trump, now heaped ridicule on him. “What kind of a man is this? First he says it will happen, then it won’t,” said Evgeny Popov, host of the prime time “60 Minutes” news program. “This is just stupidity, he seems to be an unbalanced individual. Trump was never our friend — never!”

Senior members of the ruling United Russia party even regretted Trump’s victory, though Putin has dismissed the notion that a presidency of Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton would have averted the current frictions.

“It’s far worse than it would have been under Clinton,” said Frants Klintsevic­h, a senator who sits on United Russia’s governing council. “She’s an experience­d politician and any of her actions would have been based on logic and some kind of discussion. Here we’re seeing huge swings in one direction and another.”

Putin’s foreign policy adviser, Yuri Ushakov, insisted there was “no offence taken” after the Kremlin had talked up the Argentina meeting only to be left embarrasse­d. Still, “We won’t beg the American side” for talks, he said.

While Trump has continued to signal an interest in better ties, he’s done so with less frequency publicly, and his top aides have been quick to criticise Russian actions. U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley called the attack on Ukrainian ships a “reckless” and “outlaw” action at an emergency Security Council meeting. Secretary of State Michael Pompeo called it a “dangerous escalation and a violation of internatio­nal law.”

Russia’s being told to “give something” to improve relations with Washington, said Vladimir Lukin, a former Russian ambassador to the US and deputy head of the upper house of parliament’s internatio­nal affairs committee. “We can do ‘give and take’ but not ‘give and give.’”

Russia may try to exploit divisions between the US and the European Union, said Kortunov from the Kremlin-backed research group. EU sanctions, unlike the American ones, may be lifted if Russia took steps to END THE separatist Conlict in Ukraine, he said.

On the military front, Russia is already threatenin­g to target European states if they host US missiles after Trump withdraws from the Intermedia­te-range Nuclear Forces Treaty.

“Don’t try to talk to Russia from a position of force,” said Klintsevic­h, the lawmaker. “You’ll end up with such a headache you won’t know what’s hit you.”

The disillusio­nment with Trump may mean Russia takes a harder line in talks with the US on thorny issues including arms control

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