Gulf Today

UN experts warn of women’s rights rollback in Poland


WARSAW: United Nations human rights experts on Thursday expressed concern over recent rollbacks of women’s rights in Poland, especially those regarding reproducti­ve health and societal roles.

The delegation from the UN Working Group on Discrimina­tion Against Women in Law and in Practice presented their observatio­ns at the end of a 10-day visit to the EU member country.

“Rollbacks are our biggest concern. THE Dificulty In ACCESSING EMERGENCY contracept­ion is one very concrete example. And then the attempt to ban abortion altogether,” UN expert Melissa Upreti told reporters.

Since coming to power in 2015, the governing conservati­ve Law and Justice (PIS) party has ended public funding for in-vitro fertilisat­ion (IVF) and made the morning-after pill prescripti­on-only.

There have also been attempts to tighten the devoutly Catholic country’s abortion laws, which are already among Europe’s most restrictiv­e.

One such initiative was scrapped after tens of thousands of women dressed in black protested across the country in 2016.

The UN delegation said in a statement that it is encouraged by the “increased activism of women at the grassroots level”.

The group noted that this year marks 100 years since Poland granted women the right to vote — one of the irst European Countries to Do so.

Poland “historical­ly has had an active and vibrant women’s movement, but the rise of religious conservati­sm questions some of the gains women have fought for,” the group said in the statement.

In addition to rollbacks of reproducti­ve rights, the group said it was also troubled by increasing attacks on gender equality efforts.

“While the traditiona­l roles of women in the family are being actively promoted through laws and policies, advocates for gender equality are increasing­ly being characteri­sed as ‘anti-family’,” the group said.

“We are also concerned with the rise of homophobic speech and other forms of hate speech” and “regret that same-sex partnershi­ps are not legally recognised.” The experts said there have been positive steps in certain areas, including efforts to improve child care services and social protection measures.

Thepisgove­rnmentnota­blyintrodu­ced the “500+” programme granting families with more than one offspring a monthly 500 zloty (116 euros, $132) per child.

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