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Egypt unearths tomb of ancient high priest

Find ‘one of a kind in last decades;’ tomb was unique because of its perfect condition: Official


CAIRO: Egyptian archaeolog­ists have discovered the tomb of a priest dating back more than 4,400 years in the pyramid complex of Saqqara south of the capital Cairo, authoritie­s said on Saturday.

“Today we are announcing the last discovery of the year 2018, it’s a new discovery, it’s a private tomb,” Antiquitie­s Minister Khaled el-enany told an audience of invited guests including reporters.

“It is exceptiona­lly well preserved, coloured, with sculpture inside. It belongs to a high official priest... (and) is more than 4,400 years old,” he said.

The tomb belongs to “Wahtye”, a high priest who served during the fifth dynasty reign of King Neferirkar­e, the antiquitie­s ministry said.

His tomb is decorated with scenes showing the royal priest alongside his mother, wife and other members of his family, the ministry said in a statement.

It also contains more than a dozen niches and 24 colourful statues of the cleric and members of his family, it said.

In November archeology officials announced the discovery in Saqqara of seven sarcophagi, some dating back more than 6,000 years, during excavation work started in April by the same archaeolog­ical mission.

Three of those tombs contained mummified cats and scarabs.

The Saqqara necropolis south of Cairo is home to the famous Djoser pyramid, a more than 4,600-yearold constructi­on which dominates the site and was Egypt’s first stone monument.

The tomb, built by the master architect Imhotep for the Pharoah Djoser, stood 62 metres (203 feet) tall originally and is considered the oldest building in the world built entirely of stone.

SAQQARA: Egypt on Saturday announced the discovery of a private tomb belonging to a senior official from the 5th dynasty of the pharaohs, which ruled roughly 4,400 years ago.

Egyptian oficials Expect more Discoverie­s when archaeolog­ists excavate the site further in coming months.

Antiquitie­s Minister Khaled Al Anani Announced the ind at the site of THE tomb in Saqqara, just west of Cairo, which is also home to the famed Step Pyramid.

He said drawings on the tomb’s walls were “exceptiona­lly well-preserved.” The Drawings depicted the official and his family, he added.

The tomb also contained a total of 45 statues carved in rock. Again, they depict the official and his family.

The tomb was found in a buried ridge at the ancient necropolis of Saqqara. It was untouched and unlooted, Mostafa Waziri, secretary-general of the Supreme Council of Antiquitie­s, told reporters at the site. he described the ind as “one of a kind in the last decades.”

The tomb dates from the rule of Nefer- irkare Kakai, the third king of the Fifth Dynasty of the Old Kingdom.

Archaeolog­ists removed a last layer of debris from the tomb on Thursday and Found ive shafts inside, Waziri said. one of the shafts was unsealed with nothing inside, but the other four were sealed.

They are expecting to make discoverie­s when they excavate those shafts starting on Sunday, he said. He was hopeful about one shaft in particular.

“I can imagine that all of the objects can be found in this area,” he said, pointing at one of the sealed shafts. “This shaft should LEAD to A Cofin or A sarcophagu­s of the owner of the tomb.”

The tomb is 10 metres (33 ft) long,

three metres (9.8 ft) wide and just under three metres high, Waziri said.

The walls are decorated with hieroglyph­s and statues of pharaohs. Waziri said the tomb was unique because of the statues and its near perfect condition.

“The colour is almost intact even though the tomb is almost 4,400 years old,” he said. The tomb lies in a buried ridge that has only partially been uncovered.

Waziri said he expects more discoverie­s to be made there when archaeolog­ists start more excavation work in January.

The Fifth Dynasty ruled Egypt from about 2,500 BC to 2,350 BC, not long after the great pyramid of Giza was built.

Saqqara served as the necropolis for Memphis, the capital of ancient Egypt for more than two millennia.

Ancient egyptians mu mm ii ed humans

to preserve their bodies for the afterlife, while animal mummies were used as religious offerings. Egypt has revealed over a dozen ancient discoverie­s this year.

The country hopes the ind swill bright en its image abroad and revive interest Among travelers who once locked to Its iconic pharaonic temples and pyramids but who fled after the 2011 political uprising.

 ?? Agence France-presse ?? Guests enter a newly-discovered tomb at the Saqqara necropolis, 30 kilometres south of Cairo, on Saturday, belonging to the high priest “Wahtye,” who served during the fifth dynasty reign of King Neferirkar­e (between 2500-2300 BC). The tomb is 4,400 years old.
Agence France-presse Guests enter a newly-discovered tomb at the Saqqara necropolis, 30 kilometres south of Cairo, on Saturday, belonging to the high priest “Wahtye,” who served during the fifth dynasty reign of King Neferirkar­e (between 2500-2300 BC). The tomb is 4,400 years old.
 ?? Associated Press ?? Mostafa Waziri speaks inside a recently uncovered tomb of the Priest Royal Purificati­on during the reign of King Neferirkar­e, named ‘Wahtye,’ at the site of the step pyramid of Saqqara, in Giza, Egypt, on Saturday.
Associated Press Mostafa Waziri speaks inside a recently uncovered tomb of the Priest Royal Purificati­on during the reign of King Neferirkar­e, named ‘Wahtye,’ at the site of the step pyramid of Saqqara, in Giza, Egypt, on Saturday.
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